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Meghan Trainor's weight loss secret: 7 things 'All About That Bass' singer did to get in shape

Meghan Trainor lost 60 pounds in just a few months after giving birth to her first baby boy Riley Sabara
Meghan Trainor's body transformation (L-R) — before and after (@meghantrainor/Instagram)
Meghan Trainor's body transformation (L-R) — before and after (@meghantrainor/Instagram)

Meghan Trainor used her dissatisfaction with her appearance as fuel to lose weight. The singer lost 60 pounds in just a few months after giving birth to her first baby boy Riley Sabara. The finest part of her weight loss journey, though, is that she changed her lifestyle in ways that go far beyond the numbers.

Trainor is pregnant with her second child and admits that it has been challenging to adjust to her new body after reaching her weight loss target, but she is willing to share her experience. Along the way, she learned about the advantages of exercise for mental health: "My brain is so happy when I exercise," she remarked in an interview.


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How Meghan Trainor lost weight?

Trainor shared her weight loss journey. Here are a few points that she revealed.

1. Eat healthy

Trainor said in regards to her weight loss that she "did it the healthy way, the long way, the one pound a week way." "I'm proud of myself for accomplishing something I never believed I could," she said to PEOPLE.

2. Workout

Meghan didn't back from a demanding workout even during pregnancy. She posted an Instagram video of herself working out. She used weighted workouts like deadlifts to work her arms and legs at the same time. Seek advice from an expert and pay attention to your body before starting any new workouts.


3. Do HIIT

She works out with HIIT in addition to cardio, weightlifting, and strength training. For those who are unfamiliar with the term, HIIT stands for 'High Intensity Interval Training' and is made up of brief intervals of extremely intense activity and brief rest periods in between. Trainor increased her strength and metabolism, with favorite moves like banded squat jumps, banded skater leaps, and high knees.

4. Work on mental health

The singer posted another engaging Instagram video where she discussed how she prefers to work out to stay composed and centered. She stated in the caption, "Working out is one of my favorite ways to get out of my own head. For 2022 I wanna put more time into ME for my mental health."


5. Try unilateral exercises

Unilateral exercises target one side of your body at a time, in contrast to bilateral exercises (such as squats, deadlifts, and press-ups), which call for symmetrical usage of your body. Strength and conditioning coach Andy Vincent notes that it's typical to overuse your strong side, which could leave you with one weak side. Correcting any muscular imbalances is crucial for injury prevention and will also help you develop strength.

6. Incorporate split workouts

A 2019 study found that an upper/lower workout split resulted in more muscle size and strength gains than a total body workout done three times per week. Trainor's PT Rebecca shared videos of her smashing out leg and arm-specific exercises.


7. Practice portion control

Trainor's weight loss was achieved through portion control and commitment. She and the NHS support portion management as a weight-loss strategy, with smaller servings being consumed by using smaller portions and stopping eating before feeling full.