'Watchmen': Bian’s vivid nightmare raises speculation about her being a clone of Vietnamese pregnant woman gunned down by Comedian

We first met Lady Trieu's (Hong Chau) daughter Bian (Jolie Hoang-Rappaport) in episode 2 of 'Watchmen' where she was she seen collecting all the newspapers for her mother. After that, we met her again in episode 4 in which she played a crucial part in hinting at Lady Trieu's grand plan.
Bian, meaning secret in Vietnamese, first appeared when Sister Night (Regina King) and Laurie Blake (Jean Smart) arrived at the Millenium Clock to investigate one of their technologies in connection to a missing car. She led the way to her mother and it seemed as if she is being groomed to take over her mother's role if and when necessary.
However, there is something Bian has been recently struggling with. They are nightmares from a time when she was not even alive. As she tells her mother, Lady Trieu, about her nightmare, she talks of a time reminiscent of the Vietnam War.
It is this scene that has got fans excited because, for someone who was not even alive during this period, Bian recalls details as if she experienced it all in the first person. When she wakes up because of the nightmare, the first thing that she does is remove an IV line attached to her.
This IV is speculated to contain the same drug present in the pill Will Reeves has been taking, which he has also shared with his granddaughter Angela Abar aka Sister Night. The drug could be specifically used to activate traumatic memories stored in DNA which can be accessed by clones under the influence.
Fans also suspect Lady Trieu has used her mother's DNA to create a clone -- Bian. Why her mother specifically? The theory is that Lady Trieu is the daughter of the woman that the Comedian murdered in Saigon, Vietnam. He had impregnated her. By making a clone of her mother, Lady Trieu is possibly attempting to find the truth behind her mother's death.
One Reddit fan wrote, "I think she cloned her mother's DNA to get the information on how she died in that exact moment. With that I mean when the Comedian killed the woman in the bar and Dr. Manhattan let it happen. She's out for revenge and probably a tool for Veidt."

The pills could be administered to Bian every night, hoping for a breakthrough in the past which can help Lady Trieu make future plans. Coincidentally, this episode also sees Adrian Veidt (Jeremy Irons), who is held captive in a country manor in the space, refer to clone memory stored in the DNA.
This memory helps Veidt's servants Mr. Phillips (Tom Mison) and Ms. Crookshanks (Sara Vickers) recall the most important of details while serving him. He also mentions that the clones are not his creation.
This brings us to the supposition that Dr. Manhattan was the one to keep Veidt captive. What if it is Lady Trieu instead. She did buy Veidt's business out after his disappearance according to the public in 'Watchmen'.
What if all of that was a cover for her keeping Veidt captive while she tried to orchestrate a plan? What role does Will play in all of this is a mystery that we would have to solve as we go along.
Then, there is also the fact that Lady Trieu has some kind of plan which involves Angela, and could possibly hurt Angela's family. We also learned in episode 3, Angela was also in Vietnam and she met her husband, Calvin (Yahya Abdul-Mateen II), there. How all of these different subplots come together is definitely going to be a fascinating watch.
The next episode of 'Watchmen' will release Sunday at 9 p.m. ET on HBO.