'Watchmen' Episode 4 promo: Trieu introduces Sister Night to ‘1st wonder of the new world’, Angela questions Wade about KKK robe

Spoilers ahead for 'Watchmen' Episode 3
“Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!” said Lady Trieu (Hong Chau) when she inaugurated the Millenium Clock in Oklahoma. This was, as FBI's special agent Dale Petey (Dustin Ingram) said in episode 3 of 'Watchmen', "a shout out to Adrian Veidt".
So far, that is all we know about the trillionaire Lady Trieu who bought Veidt's businesses in 2012 according to Watchmen's companion website, Peteypedia. According to the promo released by HBO November 4, we finally get a good look at Lady Trieu.
She is aiming to collaborate with Sister Night (Regina King) and is seen welcoming her to show her one of Trieu's company's impressive technologies, which she terms, "The first wonder of the new world." We see Sister Night and Laurie Blake (Jean Smart) walk together towards a white pod, which is a tad bit similar to the investigation pod that Looking Glass (Tim Blake Nelson) uses to interrogate suspects for any connection with the Seventh Kavalry.
As of now, Lady Trieu's intentions are unclear. Is she on Adrian Veidt aka Ozymandias' side? She did buy his empire and before she inaugurated an impressive structure such as the Millenium Clock, she did a shout out by quoting a line from Percy Bysshe Shelley’s 'Ozymandias'.
This is the same work that inspired Veidt to christen himself with the name. However, the technology she is investing in and researching on seems to be influenced by Dr. Manhattan somehow. It may be the blue tree that we see hinting at that connection, but either way, Lady Trieu's support will likely play a big role in the show going forward.
She also says, "I offer you legacy, but legacy is not blood," which makes us wonder if the legacy Lady Trieu speaks of here is Ozymandias' work or something much deeper. Now, speaking of the similarity of the pods, we see it clearly when we see Angela Abar (Sister Night) knock on Looking Glass aka Wade Tilman's door, which is also shaped like his investigative pod.
After being questioned by Special Agent Blake about what she found in the dead Chief of Police Judd Crawford's wardrobe, Angela is worried. The fact that she found a Ku Klax Klan (KKK) robe draped on a mannequin definitely unsettled Angela, because if he was part of the clan, then Angela would be wrong about Crawford.
She will have to face the fact that the man that she came to know as Crawford was just a mask worn to fool people around him and at this point, that may traumatize Angela further. So now, she wants to learn the truth and the first person that she goes to is Wade.
She shows Wade the robe and asks him what he knows about Crawford's connection to the KKK. There is also the fact that the KKK was to Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 1921 what the Seventh Kavalry is to the neighborhood in 2019. So, if Angela were to connect the dots, she is in for a big shock.
Amid all of this, Angela also has to investigate Will Reeves, her grandfather who flew away after being her captive with the help of an alien force we have assumed is Dr. Manhattan's handiwork. It is likely, it was he threw a car in reply to Agent Blake's joke in episode 3, so why not help an old man in a wheelchair?
While all of this is taking place on Earth in the present, Lord of the Country Manor (presumed to be Adrian Veidt after casting information of Jeremy Irons was leaked) continues to experiment. This time, it is not just a spacesuit, but what looks more like a spacecraft.
Does this mean he has successfully designed a suit that will keep him alive in space? We would have to wait and watch when Episode 4 titled 'If You Don't Like My Story, Write Your Own' releases November 10 at 9 p.m. ET on HBO.