‘Warrior’ Season 2 Episode 8: Who attacked Ah Toy and will she die after saving Nellie from the brutal attack?

A ‘Warrior’ episode is incomplete without fights and this time around, Ah Toy (Olivia Cheng) will show off her Kung Fu skills. Without dropping any major spoilers for the show, we can safely tell you that the bisexual Madame in charge of Hop Wei's brothel will face a brutal attack along with her new lover Nellie Davenport (Miranda Raison), after they kissed at her vineyard sanctuary in Sonoma.
In a 35-second teaser for the next episode ‘All Enemies, Foreign and Domestic’, we see Walter Buckley's (Langley Kirkwood) stick as he shakes hands and is told, “Congratulations, Mr Mayor! The city is yours.” Meanwhile, Penelope Blake (Joanna Vanderham) faces a set of questions after her husband's murder. When she is asked, “Did you kill your husband,” she replies, “It all happened so quickly.” They draw the conclusion: “The Chinaman killed the Mayor. We take that sort of thing personally.” Is Jacob the scapegoat for all the chaos that might strike Chinatown?

The scene leads to a huge riot as San Francisco declares, “Chinatown is closed. My men will not stop tearing this place apart.” Towards the end, we see Ah Toy and Nellie Davenport being attacked by two men. And the final scene shows Jacob (Kenneth Fok) in front of Chao (Hoon Lee). “Please help me...” he begs him.
A lot ensues over the course of the one-hour drama and the biggest question on all minds seems to be: Who attacked Ah Toy and Nellie? Is it her Patterson (Frank Rautenbach), the businessman in cahoots with Ah Toy? Remember how he made a confession to the Priest (Lawrence Joffe) after she told him she’s transferring ownership of her properties? The death of Ah Toy would transfer her properties to him and he’s already used them for investment collateral.

With the exhilarating and action-packed scenes, it's hard to guess if Ah Toy will survive the brawl, especially when she has two strong men against her. With one major character already dead, fans are fearful that Ah Toy could meet a tragic end too. Moreover, it's unclear if Nellie can be completely trusted.
After the last episode, in which Samuel Blake was killed, one fan said, “Holy moly what an ending! I have a funny feeling that in a future episode Ah Toy is going to die. I just think the writers are setting her up for a tragic ending. They really never did very much with Lai's character, which is a shame.”

Another fan cast doubts on Nellie. “Nellie seems to be a very grey area character so far and I have a feeling that will continue to be her story arc. I think she has something fishy going on with her farms that will turn out to be sketchy but not inherently evil? I have a theory that others have mentioned that she is trying to get into the opium production business and is using this farm of liberated, loyal Chinese workers to do so.”
“But I don’t think of this as outright evil, because she is still giving those people better lives and isn’t necessarily (?) abusing them (I don’t know opium farming conditions). So I think she’ll have some intentions revealed that will show she isn’t just simply creating a farming utopia out of the goodness of her heart, but to some gain as well. Again, tho, depending on how she goes about that, it’s not inherently evil,” the viewer continued.
Do you think the two ladies can make it out safely?
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Directed by Kenneth Lin and Evan Endicott & Josh Stoddard, the episode will air on Friday, November 20, 2020. Catch more episodes of ‘Warrior’ Season 2 on Cinemax every Friday from 10 pm ET to 11 pm ET.