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Viral video shows maskless Rhode Island 'Karen' yelling at group of men for driving their truck past her house

Recorded outside the Apponaug Marina, the video shows the woman saying 'stop driving past my house with that piece of sh**'

In Rhode Island, a woman was caught on camera hurling abuses at a bunch of young men all because she didn't like their truck driving past her home. The woman, who was incidentally also not wearing a mask, screamed at the group that she bets they all live in a 'sh*thole'.

Recorded outside the Apponaug Marina and later posted to Reddit, the video titled 'Another Karen Down at the Marina' shows the woman yelling angrily at the young men from her car in the parking lot. The young men all look surprised at the woman's meltdown. They were all caught by surprise when they had gotten out of their vehicle and the woman pulled up behind them. She pulled into the parking lot, skidded to a halt, and then began her yelling. "I do not care how fast you were going, stop driving past my house with that piece of sh**," she said. "I bet you live in a sh**hole, too."

You can watch the video here.

When asked by the young men if she was serious, the woman yelled back "Get out of my f***ing sight." The woman was referred to as Lisa in the video, and then she directed her attention to someone called Barry. Lisa tells Barry to get the group away from her neighborhood "or there's going to be hell to pay". The man recording then gets tired of Lisa's insults and tells her he doesn't control the road and asks her to get a life. "In the midst of a pandemic and racial injustice, you're complaining about a truck; you're complaining about a pickup truck," he says. "Put a mask on if you're going to yell at us."

The angry woman doesn't stop, however. She continues to yell at Barry to get the group out and Barry can be heard replying "I can't do anything. You started it." The recorder then pleads with Lisa saying the truck owner is a state employee and she's harassing respectable citizens. Lisa doesn't care. She asks them again to stop driving by her home and then turns off to call the police.

The recorder can be heard saying "With everything going on in the world, you come in here like a crazy person, skid to a halt to yell at us in a public place for driving on a public road," he says. Lisa repeats her threats again at the end of the four-minute video. In a chat with Newsweek, Barry, who chose to keep his last name undisclosed, called the whole thing an unfortunate incident. He also said he would like to just "forget what happened".

"I just feel sorry for the woman," Barry said in the interview, adding: "I heard some yelling and screaming and just went over to see what it was, and I realized right away what the situation was. Fortunately, nothing happened negative. It was just a bunch of yelling." Barry also said Lisa did call the police, but they arrived after she left and took a statement from the men.