'Vikings' season 5: Lagertha is missing but there's a new shieldmaiden who curates what happens next

In the last episode of History Channel's hit 'Vikings,' Lagertha went missing but we encountered another powerful shield maiden, Gunnhild.
Wife of Jarl Olavsonn, the acting chieftain of York placed in charge by Ivar the 'Boneless,' she joins King Harald's army as her husband decides to attack and annex Wessex along with Harald. A tall, powerful and intimidating figure, she has captured the attention of King Harald, who flirts with her right in front of her husband, which she seems to be secretly interested in.
At the battlefield, she captures the attention of Bjorn Ironside and even manages to draw a scar on his face, because she is an exceptionally brilliant warrior. Her husband is killed in the war and to Lagertha's dismay, she is the one who axes Bishop Heahmund after he's been shot by arrows in the front and the back.