'Vikings' season 5: Fan-favorite Lagertha makes a shocking comeback in 'Baldur', but where was she all this time?
Shieldmaiden Lagertha makes an unexpected comeback in 'Baldur' but the bigger question is where was she all this time?

Tonight's episode titled 'Baldur', will witness two special entries — first being the birth of Ivar the Boneless's "divine son", and the second being the most-anticipated comeback of the ultimate shieldmaiden of the 'Vikings', Lagertha.
The last we saw of the former Queen of Kattegat was in the battlefield when she witnessed her ex-lover Bishop Heahmund being axed by Gunnhild, who is now her son, Bjorn Ironside's lover. After winning the battle while fighting for King Alfred, Lagertha went full MIA and was nowhere to be found among the dead and the living.