'Vikings': Lagertha's disappearance could mean her majestic return or her inevitable death

Brace yourselves 'Vikings' fans, season 5 has not been an easy watch and it does not look like it'll be anytime soon. In the recent episode titled 'Hell' another hero fell to the grounds, and as heartbreaking as it was to see Bishop Heahmund die on the battlefield, it was as hard to realize the shieldmaiden of the show, Queen Lagertha has gone missing.
The last viewers saw of her was when she was in the battlefield along with Heahmund while arrows flew to his chest and he cried out her name for the last time. When Heahmund was honored with a burial, we realized the iron lady of the show was nowhere to be seen. Her son, Bjorn Ironside, searched for her, but in vain. She had just disappeared. The major question looming now is what happened to Lagertha? Is she dead or alive?