'Vikings': Irish actor Elijah Rowen apologizes after inviting backlash for discrediting popular long-running soap 'Fair City'
The 25-year-old Dublin actor played the role of Asbjorn, youngest son of Eyvind and Rafarta, who was beheaded in an earlier episode

History Channel's flagship 'Vikings' is making headlines for several reasons. The first being the upcoming finale of season 5 which airs January 30. The second being that season 6 will be the series' last installment, slated to air later this year. Lastly, the controversy revolving around 'Vikings' actor, Elijah Rowen. Now, the question is, who is Elijah Rowen and why are Irish actors lashing out at him with Hilda Fay, an Irish actress, calling him "not the sharpest knife in the drawer.”