Vickie Meyers: Drunk woman runs onto Phoenix airport tarmac to stop a flight she missed

A woman was arrested in Phoenix, Arizona on Sunday, December 26 after she ran onto the airport tarmac. Vickie Meyers, 53, ran onto the tarmac to try and stop a plane that she couldn't get to on time. The allegedly drunk woman was arrested at the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport.
Meyers was late for her flight and got onto a secured area of the airport to try and stop the flight from leaving without her. Phoenix-based news station KNXV-TV identified that secured area as the tarmac where only selected staff is permitted to go. There are signs in at least two languages on the tarmac that warn passengers to not trespass into the area.
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Immediately after Meyers was spotted entering the area, staff at the airport called security as well as law enforcement officials to assist them in escorting her out safely. As cops arrived at the scene, Meyers, who originally belongs from St Louis, Missouri, was arrested. She was taken by the cops to Maricopa County Jail. Cops also told the media that no ongoing operations at the airport was affected due to the incident and everything went according to schedule after that.
Bryan Jones, a witness who was at the airport during the time of the incident, shared a video of the whole incident. The video by Jones showed Meyers standing on the tarmac next to an airport employee. "She decided to go out the emergency exit doors onto the tarmac and start arguing with the ground crew why she should be let onto the plane still," Jones told the station.
The video clip then showed the woman being escorted back inside the premises by law enforcement officials. She was then arrested by police. The police have deemed such an incident deliberately caused by an adult to be fairly unnecessary and disruptive. There was no other motive for the incident other than the woman trying to stop the flight from leaving without her after she couldn't reach the airport on time.