ZEBRA attacks Ohio man and almost rips off his arm before deputies step in with lethal force

CIRCLEVILLE, OHIO: A pet zebra was put down by Pickaway County deputies on Sunday, March 12, after it attacked and mauled a man, almost ripping his arm off his body. Reports of a zebra attack had reached the Pickaway County Sheriff’s Office in the evening, at around 5.30 pm. The man who was attacked is an elderly 72-year-old man named Ronald Clifton, who had made the 911 call and also asked that the rescue squad be sent his way as soon as possible.
It is not a common occurrence for someone to call to report a zebra attack, so it is natural that the responder on the line had asked him to re-confirm. Clifton went ahead and told them that it was, following which help was dispatched. "I think he tore my arm off…send a chopper," Clifton said according to FOX News. The dispatcher had asked if the animal bit his arm, to which Clifton had said, “Oh hell yes.” Help had arrived soon in the form of deputies, who had found Clifton on the ground. According to the Charlotte Observer, the zebra was the victim's pet that ended up attacking him.
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The police report about the incident suggests that one of the deputies had taken to positioning his cruiser in between the man and the zebras. However, one of them, a large male, had acted very “hostile” and continued to charge at the door that was on the driver’s side. The deputy had to act quickly to make the animal move so Clifton could be taken for medical assistance. So, he used the cruiser siren and air horn so he can get the animal to move aside.

Zebra got shot in head
Soon after, they managed to apply a tourniquet under Clifton’s shoulder, which allowed him to be given assistance to walk to an ambulance. He was taken to Grant Hospital in Columbus. Another deputy stayed behind to keep watch on the zebra, when it was informed to him by the owners of the property that the animal may be killed if necessary.

Clifton’s family had also been clear to let the deputy know not to show his back to the zebra, because that it when it would choose to make its move. Later on, the zebra is seen charging at the deputy, who tried to scare it off by screaming at him. When it continued its charge, the deputy had no choice but to shoot the animal in the forehead.