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US Navy personnel witness UFO yet again! This time, the object splashed into Pacific Ocean and disappeared

A video of the mysterious object filmed by a camera aboard USS Omaha in July 2019 was released the same day a US Navy pilot revealed sighting of UFOs off Virginia coast
UPDATED MAY 15, 2021
UFO allegedly see by crew of the USS Omaha. Credit: Twitter @jeremycorbell
UFO allegedly see by crew of the USS Omaha. Credit: Twitter @jeremycorbell

American naval personnel have had yet another close encounter with an unidentified flying object (UFO), and this time, it is a spherical object that displays a controlled descent into oceanic waters. The object was filmed by a camera aboard USS Omaha which was sailing off the coast of San Diego in July 2019. In the video, two unidentified crew members were even heard saying: “Wow, it splashed!” after the object made a controlled flight over the Pacific Ocean and then splashed into the water and disappeared. No explanation was offered about the unique phenomenon. Also, it was released the same day a US Navy pilot revealed how he and his colleagues saw UFOs off the Virginia coast and it happened so regularly that they grew used to their presence.

The new video taken on board the littoral combat ship was published by investigative filmmaker Jeremy Corbell, Mystery Wire reported. “Newly released video taken on board the USS Omaha, a littoral combat ship, shows what has been described as a transmedium vehicle (that is, a vehicle capable of traveling through both air and water) moving, hovering, and disappearing into the Pacific Ocean,” the report said. 


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USS Omaha (Wikimedia Commons)

The video is from the same incident that Wire had documented last month. Earlier, two freeze frame images from the video were publicized and the Pentagon confirmed in April that one of them was recorded by American Navy personnel. 

According to Corbell, 14 of the spheres surrounded the Omaha and were detected on sensors both while approaching or departing. “They never found where these things came from or went to,” Corbell told the Wire. “So they don’t know where they are launching from or going to. I mean, maybe it’s the water because that’s what we are seeing one do.” He also said that the object was detected by FLIR technology in pitch black conditions.


Former navy lieutenant Ryan Graves, who refers to UFOs as UAPs or Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, called them a national security threat in an interview with 60 Minutes which will be aired on Sunday, May 16. Graves and his colleagues have spotted the mysterious flying objects several times in protected air space between 2015 and 2017 and also recorded an encounter that took place off the coast of Jacksonville, Florida, around the same time. The 60 Minutes report also comes at a time when the government is likely to release a report (in June) on UFO sightings after their unclassified videos were leaked to The New York Times four years ago. 

Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio (Getty Images)

Florida GOP Senator Marco Rubio sought a detailed analysis after seeing classified briefings on UAPs while serving as the chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee (2020-21) and asked the director of national intelligence (DNI) for an unclassified briefing. Top government officials have admitted that the sightings are authentic and that the origin of the UFOs remains unknown.

John Ratcliffe, a former DNI, told Fox News a couple of months ago that the sightings are not just eyewitness accounts and include videos and measurements taken after “multiple sensors that are picking up these things”. “When we talk about sightings, we are talking about objects that have been seen by Navy or Air Force pilots, or have been picked up by satellite imagery, that frankly engage in actions that are difficult to explain, movements that are hard to replicate, that we don’t have the technology for, or traveling at speeds that exceed the sound barrier without a sonic boom,” he said.