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Tucker Carlson says Pentagon too busy purging soldiers not 'woke enough' instead of dealing with UFOs

Carlson also said the military is too busy 'hiring pregnant air force pilots' and 'obsessed with political purity' than defending the US from potential enemies
UPDATED MAY 19, 2021
Conservative politocal commentator Tucker Carlson and the UFO allegedly see by crew of the USS Omaha in July 2019 (Getty Images/Twitter @jeremycorbell)
Conservative politocal commentator Tucker Carlson and the UFO allegedly see by crew of the USS Omaha in July 2019 (Getty Images/Twitter @jeremycorbell)

Tucker Carlson is not new to courting controversies. The conservative TV commentator, who has been in the headlines recently over his negative claims on Covid-19 vaccine safety, has now taken on the US military, saying it is not dealing with the “clear and present threat” of UFOs since it is too busy with soldiers who are not woke enough. On Monday (May 17) night, the Fox News host slammed the leaders of the armed forces after new footage surfaced that reportedly showed UFO sightings off America’s coast. 

Last week, a video was released that appeared to show a UFO moving near to a warship near San Diego before plunging into the Pacific Ocean. The incident reportedly happened in July 2019. Retired navy officials have warned that the technology seen in the video is 1,000 years ahead of that used by the US. Others have said that they too spotted mysterious objects in the sky every day during their service days. 


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Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin (Getty Images)

Carlson asked whether the Pentagon is taking the ‘threat’ to the country’s national security seriously and accused Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who took over in January under the Joe Biden administration, of dealing more with diversity and inclusion initiatives instead of the UFOs. Carlson also said the military is too busy “hiring pregnant air force pilots” and “obsessed with political purity” than defending the US from potential enemies. He spoke about the army’s new recruitment ad featuring an LGBTQ+ protest and the recent ouster of Lt Col Matthew Lohmeier from the Space Force for criticizing the diversity and inclusion initiatives the forces have been encouraging lately. He also slammed Austin for declaring a war on global warming.

“This is your country, please defend it. It is becoming clear they have no interest in defending it,” Carlson said. 

'The Pentagon admits it doesn't know what in the world this is'

The host aired footage from CBS 60 Minutes on Sunday (May 16) showing a UFO spotted by a navy aircrew of the US Atlantic coast in 2015. Journalist Bill Whitaker narrated the footage saying “the Pentagon admits it doesn't know what in the world this is…or this…or this…”. Carlson said such an admission from the Pentagon is a “very big problem”. 

The Pentagon (Getty Images)

“Oh, UFOs, they’re spooky and kinda funny. Crazy people believe in them. Up until you get to the line, ‘The Pentagon admits it doesn't know what in the world this is’. That's all you need to know,” Carlson mocked, adding: “From a national security perspective, that’s a very big problem. How big a problem is it?” It was also around the same time that the video was published that one navy pilot revealed that the military witnessed unidentified objects maneuvering in restricted airspace off the Virginia coast “every day” for two years. 

Carlson also showed another clip from the CBS show where Whitaker was found saying the Pentagon couldn’t identify the objects and spoke to Lt Ryan Graves who said the sightings happened regularly. “Every day. Every day for at least a couple years,” Graves said. In another clip, Lue Elizondo, former director of the now-terminated Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, told Whitaker “it’s real” and revealed the technology “can defy the natural effects of Earth’s gravity”.

“Imagine a technology that can do 600 to 700 G-forces, that can fly 13,000 miles an hour, that, that can evade radar and can fly through air and water and possibly space, and oh, by the way, has no obvious signs of propulsion, no wings, no control surfaces and yet still can defy the natural effects of Earth's gravity,” Lue said. “That's precisely what we’re seeing.”

Carlson also criticized the Pentagon asking why the military is yet to act on the sightings and “did nothing after two full years of daily incursions”. “Sounds like a potential threat? You think? So what has the Pentagon done about it? Well, we don’t know the full story as of tonight,” the anchor said. 

“But we don't know that they’ve done anything about it, and then cover the fact they ignored it by declaring the whole subject classified for decades, then spending the rest of the day thinking about how to bomb Syria again and rid the marine corps of people who voted for Donald Trump,” he added. 

He said the Space Force division is well-equipped to handle the matter but alleged resources were being wasted on “political purges”. “They’re busy conducting political purges of their own ranks, as all the branches of the military are. Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, commanded a Space Force unit until the White House decided his politics were unacceptable,” Carlson added. 

Likening the US Army's 'purging' of its ranks to the army of the erstwhile Soviet Union on 'political purity' back in 1938, Carlson said: "So, every day for two years, unidentified flying objects behaving in ways that seemed to contradict what we know about physics, and the US military is spending its time purging its ranks. What does this remind you of? Maybe the Soviet army 1938: A clear and present threat appears on the horizon, but the people in charge are so obsessed with political purity and loyalty to the Party, they can't respond, because they're absorbed in attacking their own organization."

"When they say that all revolutions are the same, they're right," he added.