Tyler Perry's 'Assisted Living' Episode 15 Preview: With Sandra missing, how does Mr Brown steal all attention?

Tyler Perrys 'Assisted Living' has finally arrived at a point where no matter the drama, it is surrounding either Sandra (Tayler Buck) or Mr Brown (David Mann). While the rebellious teen is out dating guys much older than her, Mr Brown has been acting like he didn't get passively high on weed, but crack instead. Their behavior, although miles apart, are both extreme and while there's nothing new to the show, humor can float in through the heavily inebriated Mr Brown.
The official synopsis as provided by BET for Episode 14 titled 'Defiance', reveals that "Cora calls Sheriff Luckett about Sandra running off with his son." Apart from the fact that Sandra is misbehaving and acting out rebelliously towards her parents, there's nothing more to add to the narrative of the show. The official teaser by BET however details another ongoing pot on the show where Sanda's parents - agonized by their missing child - find some respite in Mr. Brown's inebriated self.
There wasn't much clarity about whether the bus driver is the Sheriff's son, so that bit of information is new. Assumptions mostly led to Sandra having a second new beau in her short time in Georgia already but looks like it's the same boy who Mr Brown insists should be called a man because he's 18. The older boyfriend scene and the aftermath of it, with Sandra, almost getting sex-trafficked on a night out with him was enough to highlight how her parents' direction doesn't matter to her - or maybe she is too young to realize it. But she's out running away from home again while her parents sit at home - Leah (Courtney Nichole) stewing in fear and worry, the teaser showing her earing up about how she can't take any of this mess anymore.
It is Mr Brown however who has no idea of the gravity of the situation because apparently, he is still high from burning all of Grandpa Vinny's (J Anthony Brown) backyard-grown weed some two weeks ago. Mr Brown, plopped down on the living room couch, complains about Sandra's behavior as the general flaw of millennials. But he can't quite pronounce the word correctly and Cora (Tamela Mann) has to sort it out for him. Mr Brown keeps calling them 'memelos' or 'melenos', before his daughter can step in and tell him the correct pronunciation.
The previous episode, where Mr Brown was having a full-blown bender, he didn't spare anybody from getting roasted. This episode finds his actions and words a lot more mellowed down, but looks like even in crisis, his shenanigans are going to be the center of the plot.
Tyler Perry's 'Assisted Living' airs on Wednesdays at 8:30 pm on BET.