Tyler Perry’s ‘A Fall from Grace' disappoints fans with rushed filmmaking and 'cringy' portrayal of black people

So, Tyler Perry made his Netflix debut with his latest production, ‘A Fall from Grace’. If one could dissect the entire movie in various parts, there are enough ingredients to make it an ultimate suspense thriller, full of twists and turns, like Perry is known for.
However, as fans are talking, it seems otherwise. And truth be told, we kind of felt the same way after wading through the two-hour-long predictable drama thriller.
Initially, there have been mixed reactions from fans across the board. While some liked the plot and the acting, the rest found it to be a bit to clichéd and dragged. However, as more viewers joined in the conversations, we saw more disappointment than rave reviews.
Like one fan points straight at the cinematography and commented, “Why is this whole movie gloomy? Like there are no lights at any of these places? #AFallFromGrace”. Although we know what she refers to, we have to agree. Perry has a penchant for darker tones and grim backgrounds, mostly in his thrillers, but this was more than perhaps necessary.
Then, another fan pointed out how poor the production quality looked like. She says, “You would think someone who just celebrated opening a giant studio would pay attention to detail and produce a higher quality movie, alas it was truly #AFallFromGrace. And then she listed the things that ruined the movie.
“-the writing is poor
-the plot is predictable from the first 3 minutes
-the wigs are ASS
-the extras are extra trash
-the details are LACKING
-the acting is subpar at best”
One user commented about the rushed production and wonders what could have caused the rush.“Also if this was shot on Tyler Perry studios lot...being produced by Tyler Perry ....why the hell was it rushed and shot within one week?? #AFallFromGrace”
But the most pertinent comment comes from this fan, who thinks that Perry’s way of representing the black community is becoming ‘cringy’. She says, “I’m going to really need @tylerperry to stop making movies depicting us like this, it’s cringy af ..🥴 #AFallFromGrace”
‘A Fall from Grace’ is currently streaming on Netflix, in case you want to give it a shot and share your two cents.