HORROR ATTACK! Video shows bystanders saving woman from being drowned by attacker in PUBLIC FOUNTAIN

VALENCIA, SPAIN: A man was arrested and charged with attempt to murder after he tried to drown a woman who was hanging out with him at a public fountain, on Tuesday, August 9, in Valencia.
Disturbing phone footage of the incident shows the shirtless man, who appears to be drunk, holding the woman by her hair and forcing her head down into the water. The 52-year-old man, who has not yet been identified, was booked by National Police and is now facing attempted murder charges.
A person in the video can be heard shouting: "He's going to kill her!" The man can be seen talking to the woman as he refuses to leave her. As the crowd pleads with him to let her go, he holds on tight onto her hair, until one man in a red T-shirt jumps in and gets him in a headlock. Then a second man jumps in and batters the man with a flurry of punches, but he continues to roughly hold her as he tries to resist the rescuers. The man releases the woman's hair only when the second man lands a tremendous punch, knocking him down. The two men managed to finally force the man off her and the half-naked woman finally staggers out of the fountain to safety.
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⛲️Un hombre intenta ahogar a una mujer en una fuente de Valencia
— ESdiario CV (@ESdiarioCV) August 10, 2022
👉El vídeo muestra al varón introduciendo reiteradamente la cabeza de la mujer en el agua y agrediendo a un hombre que se acerca a socorrerla.https://t.co/2XEUUBTowb pic.twitter.com/C8Wx6knv5K
The dispute took place when a passer-by 'male' offered to take a picture of the pair at the park in Valencia, Spain, while they were standing together in the water, but immediately fled away with the man's mobile phone, as soon as he handed it to him. Local media reported that the man then thought his acquaintance was part of the theft; he then turned on her and attempted to drown her in the fountain. Paramedics arrived at the scene within minutes and took the injured pair to hospital. The man was treated for a cut eyebrow and cheekbone, while the victim was treated for the injuries she received during the struggle. By the time officials arrived at the scene, the phone thief and the two rescuers were no longer there. The man is now booked by National Police and is facing attempted murder charges.