'Too Hot to Handle' Season 6: Fans cry foul after Gianna Pettus wins $25K, pick their own winners
TKCA 1ZZ, TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS: The most crucial thing to remember is that Gianna Pettus remains a winner of Season 6, even though she finished 'Too Hot to Handle' single. She does receive a portion of the prize money due to her personal growth and her ability to adhere to Lana's guidelines throughout the retreat.
However, Lana and many supporters of 'Too Hot to Handle' disagree, believing that two other finalists, Chris Alli and Lucy Syed, deserved the prize more.

Although Chris stayed single for most of the season, he was ultimately swayed by newcomer Sabrina Zima, with whom he sought a genuine connection. On the other hand, after her brief involvement with Charlie Jeer, Lucy struggled to find anyone else in the villa who met her standards.
On Reddit, one viewer argued against this decision, saying, "The only reason Gianna didn't break any rules was because she had no one to break them with really besides the 1 rebound day with Louis. I think Lucy should've won the money."
The fan added, "She only broke rules once and that was also after Charlie had made a nice gesture for her to fix their problems. She resisted Charlie the whole rest of time and Charlie even got mad about it. Lucy ended up learning much about herself and being comfortable being alone for the first time. Idk Gianna just didn't strike that chord with me."
Another user chimed in, "Chris and Lucy were way more deserving of the 25k by a long shot, and we saw more growth out of them."

Another person noted, "Louis and Gianna lasted way too short because of how quickly louis got kicked out. She didn’t have a match for most of the season, so naturally she isn’t going to be breaking rules. Lucy got dropped by Charlie because she didn’t want to break rules I like her a lot, but chris and Lucy 100% deserved the money more. Ironically, she wasn’t even the only person that broke rules, because Bri didn’t break any as well."
One user wrote, "Chris def shoulda won tbh." While one said, "I completely agree, it really should’ve been Lucy!!" One user noted, "Season was definitely rigged."

Is Gianna Pettus dating anyone after 'Too Hot to Handle' Season 6?
It's safe to assume that Gianna has no romantic relationships with any of the show's male contestants, as she leaves the season exactly as single as she arrived. However, this does not mean Gianna is completely out of touch with the drama; she has maintained contact with some of the troublemakers who ventured into Lana's forbidden territory.
'Too Hot to Handle' may have left Gianna single, at least according to Instagram, but she's still living her best life with the friends she’s made along the way. Gianna appears to stay in regular contact with Sabrina and Brianna "Bri" Balram. Even if you don't leave the retreat with a new partner, forming new connections can still be a rewarding experience.
In all honesty, though, Masyn Winn, the shortstop for the Cardinals, has left flirtatious comments on several of Gianna's Instagram pictures. While there's no concrete evidence that they're dating, he seems to be openly flirting with her online.

Are Chris Alli and Sabrina Zima still together after 'Too Hot to Handle' Season 6?
The quick answer is "no," with a caveat. According to PEOPLE, the 'Too Hot to Handle' couple never committed to an exclusive relationship after filming ended. However, it seems they are still in touch and keeping things open.
Chris stated that he had placed a photo of Sabrina on his vision board. "Watch this space.” The greatest issue is the distance between them, with Chris in England and Sabrina in Canada.

Is Lucy Syed dating anyone after ‘Too Hot to Handle’ Season 6?
There is currently no evidence on social media that Lucy is dating anyone. It seems Lucy is fully focused on enjoying her best single life and is more interested in sharing her experiences on Instagram.
Her posts are filled with check-ins and bikini pictures from various exotic and tropical locations, with a few family photos added for good measure. However, Lucy often appears to be embracing her single life wholeheartedly.

Stream 'Too Hot to Handle' Season 6 on Netflix now