Expert issues stark warning to Tom Cruise after claim he may have had $50K worth of botox treatments

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Tom Cruise is about to turn 61 this year but he still has the youthful visage that propelled him to popularity in the 1983 film ‘Risky Business’. Labeled as the "sexiest male actor," the Hollywood star showed off his smoother skin and a chiseled jawline when he joined Shakira to attend the 2023 Miami Formula One Grand Prix on May 7.
Cruise surely dazzled his fans while also sparking questions about his flawless looks. Following his latest appearance, a cosmetic expert claimed that the ‘Mission Impossible’ star may have spent $50,000 on procedures to maintain his looks. "Through the years, it is possible that he may have spent up to $50,000 on cosmetic treatments,” Dr Richard Westreich told the Sun. "Overall, I think Tom is just getting started with it all. I think for most people, there's an inflection point when the problem gets so bad that they decide they want to do something about it,” he added.
'Looks like pretty heavy botox'
Keeping a quiet profile lately, Cruise has not been papped since an Oscar nominee lunch in February. ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ received six nominations for the 95th Academy Awards and took home the Best Picture award but the actor, who also helped produce the film, was a no-show on awards night. Cruise apparently underwent months of rigorous preparation for the portrayal of Captain Pete (Maverick) Mitchell. "In the Oscar run-up, Tom's forehead looked as smooth as a drum,” Dr Westriech said, adding, "His eyebrows also look a little lower than usual. If botox is done fairly heavily, then the brows can drop, and this looks like pretty heavy Botox to me on his forehead.”
The expert claimed that he first noticed Cruise’s botox during an Oscar nominee lunch. "I can see that by 2018, and certainly by 2022, Tom had some pretty deep forehead lines, and so I definitely think he's recently had botox. The fact that he may have waited all this time to get botox is quite interesting,” Dr Westreich continued. He further noted that Cruise may have had a few modest cosmetic procedures over his three-decade-long Hollywood career. "There's the possibility of functional rhinoplasty, of laser skin, resurfacing, and perhaps even a little lipo under his chin,” he stated.
'Tom needs to be cautious'
"Now that Tom's 60 years old, perhaps something finally got to him,” Dr Westreich further said, adding, "It is possible that he may have spent up to $50,000 on cosmetic treatments. The laser resurfacing can cost $4-5,000 per treatment. The nose procedure would be labeled a functional rhinoplasty and could cost between $30-40,000 and lipo can be between $5-10,000. The botox is around $1000. Looking at past photos of Tom, I thought that maybe he'd had the functional rhinoplasty in the pre-2005 era.”
Dr Westreich also noted, "Someone like Tom has always had a very low-set brow and heavier upper lids. Tom is somebody who should never, ever, ever get an upper lid procedure because it'll completely change the look of his eyes. We're so used to him over the years, having these heavier upper lids and that's part of his look. You need to be cautious with botox because Tom has had that classic low-set look since he was a teenager." However, this is not the first time Cruise has been accused of going under the knife. Previously in 2012, the father of three addressed the allegations and told PlayBoy magazine, “I haven’t, and I never would," according to Today.