'Angels come in all sizes’: Georgia toddler helps find missing 82-year-old woman while chasing bubbles

COWETA COUNTY, GEORGIA: A toddler from Georgia was having a fun time in his backyard playing with bubbles when he spotted something in the woods. This discovery would eventually lead his family to find Nina Lipscomb, an 82-year-old woman with Alzheimer's disease, who was reported missing on the August 9. Her son, Thomas, told Fox that Lipscomb had been in town for an annual visit with her family.
The family, however, had not noticed that she had left her niece's home. When they did realize, the old woman had wandered too far away for them to spot her anymore. After a long tireless search by authorities that lasted multiple days, Nina was found, but with the help of the toddler who was playing in his backyard.
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The toddler, Ethan Moore, who is only a year-and-a-half, was playing with bubbles with his mom Brittany on Friday, August 12. When some of the bubbles drifted off towards their fence, Moore chased after the bubbles when something in the woods caught his attention. Brittany said that she remembered her son yelling "feet."
"I went over there and was like, ‘What do you see buddy?’ and he pointed and said, ‘Feet,'" Brittany said, adding, "'Okay, buddy can you say that again. What did you say?’ And he said, 'Feet,'"
"If you get on his level and look through, you can see some of the broken sticks and that’s where she was laying. I didn't know if I needed to go into fight or flight because I had my little boy out here and the other inside," Brittany told CBS 46.
First responders who arrived at the scene identified the person in the woods to be Lipscomb. She was found alive and safe but seemed disoriented. Later, Coweta County Sheriff's Office reported that the octagenarian was "conscious and alert" and had been sent under medical care.
On being discharged, Lipscomb was able to meet Moore, whom her family has thanked. "We pulled out every resource we thought we needed," Lipscomb's daughter, Karen, said, adding that at the end of the day, "it was a little boy" who saved the day. In a social media post about the incident, Karen praised the little one for bringing their mom home. "Angels come in all shapes and sizes," she wrote.