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'Tires' Review: Shane Gillis' standout performance saves Netflix's comedy series from fading into oblivion

'Tires' offers a comedic journey filled with unexpected humor, dysfunctional family dynamics, and workplace mishaps
UPDATED MAY 23, 2024
'Tires' finds its spark thanks to Shane Gillis' stellar performance (@netflix)
'Tires' finds its spark thanks to Shane Gillis' stellar performance (@netflix)

Contains spoilers for 'Tires'

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: 'Tires' has officially premiered on Netflix. The series revolves around Will (Steve Gerben), an anxious heir to a failing auto business, who reluctantly takes on the managerial role. 

Meanwhile, his employee Shane (Shane Gillis) appears determined to turn Will's life into a comedy of errors.

Set against a backdrop of oil-stained floors, clanking tools, and roaring engines, the series captures the raw essence of the automotive repair industry. 

If you were expecting 'Tires' to be solely a comedy, you might be surprised, as the show goes beyond laughs to deliver beautiful moments of friendship that strike a deep chord.

Scenes between Will and Shane especially hit the right note, showcasing a dynamic that is both comedic and heartfelt. 

Shane Gillis steals the spotlight with his side-splitting comedy skills in 'Tires'

Shane Gillis as Shane in a still from 'Tires' (@netflix)
Shane Gillis as Shane in a still from 'Tires' (@netflix)

Shane Gillis' portrayal of Shane, Will's employee, in 'Tires' steals the limelight, as his humor and lines are irresistibly laugh-inducing.

Shane's interactions with the auto shop staff are a masterclass in comedic timing, effortlessly blending sarcasm, wit, and physical comedy.

Whether he is delivering sharp one-liners or engaging in hilarious banter with Will, his performance consistently brings fresh and engaging energy to the series. 

Shane is depicted as a seasoned employee at Valley Forge Auto Shop, with a decade of experience under his belt. When Will takes charge of the company, everything falls into chaos.

Shane quickly becomes a catalyst for chaos, turning Will's life into a series of comedic misadventures.

In the series, Shane's knack for injecting humor into even the most mundane tasks at the auto shop keeps the audience engaged and entertained throughout.

Shane's laid-back approach and unpredictable antics frequently clash with Will's anxiety and inexperience, resulting in a series of laugh-out-loud moments.

In some scenes, Shane's performance in 'Tires' feels so natural and relatable that it appears as if he is your friend bantering with you. His effortless delivery and genuine rapport with the other characters create an atmosphere of familiarity.

Shane Gillis and Steve Gerben save the series with their natural banter

Shane Gillis as Shane and Steve Gerben as Will in a still from 'Tires' (@netflix)
Shane Gillis as Shane and Steve Gerben as Will in a still from 'Tires' (@netflix)

Throughout the series, Shane's humor feels effortless and natural, akin to the playful banter and teasing exchanged among close friends.

Shane's portrayal invites viewers to feel like they're part of the quirky family at Valley Forge Auto Shop.

His sharp wit and playful pranks with Steve often mirror the dynamics of real-life friendships, where the boundary between annoyance and affection is humorously blurred.

Viewers find themselves laughing along, feeling as if they're in on the joke, which fosters a sense of camaraderie and connection with the characters on screen.

The dynamic between Shane and Steve forms the heart of the show, delivering not only hilarious moments but also unexpected depth.

Shane and Steve save the series with their natural banter, preventing it from veering into comedic failure.

While the other characters may not consistently deliver humor, it is the dynamic between Shane and Steve that keeps viewers engaged and entertained. 

'Tires' is a good one-time watch series if you're looking for some laughs, especially if you're a fan of Shane. However, beyond that, it doesn't offer much else.

'Tires' is currently streaming on Netflix