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'Time Bandits' Review: Taika Waititi's take on cult classic is a reminder that all that glitters is not gold

Apple TV+'s 'Time Bandits' narrates the time travelling adventures of a young boy and a band of robbers
 Taikika Waitiati's 'Time Bandits' dazzles on the surface but falls flat in its execution (@appletv+)
Taikika Waitiati's 'Time Bandits' dazzles on the surface but falls flat in its execution (@appletv+)

Contains spoilers for 'Time Bandits'

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Often, one becomes enthusiastic for content that can capture their childhood desires, and Apple TV+'s 'Time Bandits' is exactly that show, brimming with anticipation of adventurous journeys to history. When it was announced that the 1981 smash hit 'Time Bandits' would be revived with one of the most renowned creators Taika Waititi headlining the show, your expectations were bound to skyrocket. However, when the show finally made its debut, you feel like yes, it was good, but you still felt something missing, and even after lots of pondering you are unable to pinpoint what was exactly missing.

It's really heartbreaking to say but 'Time Bandits' suffer the same fate. Despite having an extremely high production value, a talented cast, and a great premise to work with, which appears to fit together like a puzzle, the show fails to fully entertain you and this can be attributed to the show's overly fantastical treatment, which frequently comes out as nothing but senseless. Yes, I am prepared to accept the fact that full-fledged human flesh can be transformed into coals, but how am I supposed to believe you when you have the ability to transform the coals back into humans but still end up on another timeline adventure, ignoring the urgency of the situation at hand? 

'Time Bandits' fails to deliver intended impact

Tadhg Murphy, Roger Jean Nsengiyumva, Rune Temte, Kiera Thompson, Kal-El Tuck and Lisa Kudrow in 'Time Bandits' (@appletv+)
Tadhg Murphy, Roger Jean Nsengiyumva, Rune Temte, Kiera Thompson, Kal-El Tuck and Lisa Kudrow in 'Time Bandits' (@appletv+)

The story of the 'Time Bandits' grabbed my curiosity as the premise was truly unique among the current lineup of content, which primarily focuses on thrillers. It was clear that the ability to combine time travel with a historical travel element made it a great catch, but sadly, things didn't work out as planned, and the lackluster execution was the main cause.

I mean, on paper, the show was brimming with possibilities, and the premiere delivered on that as well, but as the story progressed and Kevin and his group of robbers hopped from one timeline to another, it became clear that the show was attempting to assimilate various historical periods into the storyline, which hampered the story's development. It seemed like we were watching two distinct shows, with Supreme Being (Taika Waititi ) and Pure Evil (Jemaine Clement) trying to capture the map on one side and Kevin and his team expertly avoiding it on the other. Yes, Fianna's (Rachel Home) appearances often attempt to remind you that these two storylines are truly intertwined, but this was truly insufficient.

Another major complaint I have with the show is how easily the characters avoid being slaughtered or even punished in every timeline, despite the fact that the scenarios are often perilous, yet they manage to emerge unscathed. In my view, it is genuinely superficial, without logic, and hampers the logical aspect of the storyline.

The cast tries their best despite thinly written characters in 'Time Bandits'

'Time Bandits' sees a young history buff travel through different times in history (@appletv+)
'Time Bandits' transports viewers in the adventurous journey of young history buffs who travel through different times in history (@appletv+)

The cast of 'Time Bandits' is the show's finest point, despite the fact that they are handed a half-baked premise. While the cast's performance deserves praise in every way, I believe it was the screenplay that failed them. I enjoyed the characters and their shenanigans, but would I remember them when the show gets over? Probably not, since the characters lack substance. They had no real backstory, particularly the bandits; therefore, I didn't feel anything when Judy (Charlyne Yi) was captured by the Supreme Being, just like the bandits.

Still, I think Lisa Kudrow's portrayal of Penelope is sincere and fascinating. She skillfully captures the character's self-centeredness while also functioning as the show's core. Kal-El Tuck, as Kevin, is also talented and stands tall against a seasoned ensemble. His performance as an inquisitive and adventurous youngster is believable and relatable. Although Saffron's character lacks depth, yet Kiera Thompson's strong portrayal shines brightly on the show.

The remaining bandits, although competent, do not create a lasting impression they lack distinct characteristics, which sometimes leaves you wondering who is who long after the episode has concluded.

Overall, the Time Bandits's idea had a lot of promise, and it could have been much more than simply the whimsical shenanigans of a bunch of bandits with a young geek bouncing from one timeline to another.

'Time Bandits' trailer