How did Gabriel Salazar die? TikToker, 19, and 3 others killed in car crash in Texas

Texan TikTok star Gabriel Salazar, best known for his skits and memes died September 26 after a car crash. Nearly a week after that deadly crash that killed Salazar and three other nationals, the Zavala County Sheriff's Office and Texas Department of Public Safety has provided more details into what exactly happened. His family meanwhile, has refused to speak to the press because "it’s so hard for us to even talk about."
Salazar is one of the many TikTok stars to die in 2021. This year has already seen the passing of some beloved celebrities like Dazhariaa Quint Noyes, Timothy Hall, and Eliane Ferreira Siolin. Salazar's family managed to raise over $38,000 for his funeral via GoFundMe, as news of his death spread like wildfire. On social media, many paid tribute to the 19-year-old, mourning the immensely popular TikToker.
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The circumstances around Salazar's death remain shrouded in mystery. Few details were available at the time of the crash and there were even a lot of questions on whether he had actually died. Now authorities have come forward with an official explanation, detailing just what happened and how he died. It appears the police do have to bear some of the responsibility for his death as well as the three others.
How did Gabriel Salazar die?
The Zavala County Sheriff's Office (ZCSO) said that the crash that killed Salazar was a result of an attempted police stop gone wrong. At around 1 am, a Crystal City Police Department officer attempted to stop Salazar's 2014 Chevrolet Camaro. It is unclear what prompted the stop, but whatever the reason it was unsuccessful. Reportedly, Salazar ignored the officer's calls and continued driving, prompting a chase, when a ZCSO officer also joined in.
The incident happened around 100 miles from Salazar's home in San Antonio. It's unclear what he was doing there so late, with three other people. During the chase, the ZCSO deputy attempted to deploy a tire deflection device, the Sheriff's Office said in a social media statement. The deployment "was unsuccessful" the ZCSO noted, leading to the vehicle rolling over and catching fire.

"Four individuals were pronounced dead at the scene," the ZCSO noted. One was identified as Salazar, the other three as Mexican nationals - Jose Luis Jimenez-Mora, Jose Molina-Lara and Sergio Espinoza-Flores. The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) is leading the investigation and noted that "The Chevrolet Camaro drove off the road, over-corrected and traveled across the roadway, onto the west barrow ditch. The vehicle struck some trees, rolled several times, and the vehicle caught fire." It is believed all three died as a result of their injuries from the crash.
Beyond the statements, officials have not provided more details. We do not know why a stop was attempted and why Salazar didn't stop when prompted to. It's also unclear how the three others were linked to Salazar and what they were doing that night. We will update you when we know more. The Camaro that appears to be involved in the crash was the last photo Salazar uploaded on Instagram.