Bartender reveals the one drink you should order at a bar to signal you're in DANGER

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: The club isn't the best place to find love, and that is true! A bar is full of people who are there to make the most of the night, and quite literally. Some forget decent courtesy and invade other people's personal space. So, if you're in a bar, feel unsafe and need immediate assistance, rush up to the bar and ask for a specific drink. This would immediately alert the bartender and you would be escorted out of danger. The same was explained in a viral TikTok video by a creator who is also a bartender.
This piece of information once gained traction on Reddit, and now the TikTok community is blowing it up. Creators, who are bartenders or just privy to this information, are spreading this fact like a forest fire. The potentially life-saving codeword that is now viral on TikTok is called the "Angel Shot." An LA creator and bartender Benjamin Smith went viral on the platform after he enacted a customer ordering an angel shot. Apparently, there are three different ways of ordering the shot which depends on the severity of the situation. One can order it for their best friend, or someone they do not know who is in danger.
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The video posted by Smith now has over 11 million views. He explains, "An angel shot is key. It can save you or your best friend's life, so it's something we should all know about." He explained three different ways of ordering - with lime, neat, and on the rocks or with ice. An angel shot with lime means that the situation is getting out of hand and you want the bartender or staff to call the police. Ordering a neat angel shot means you need security or assistance till your car. Last is ordering an angel on the rocks or with ice, hinting to the bartender or the staff that you need them to order a cab for you.

Who made the 'Angel Shot'?
Angel shots are a product of the 'ask for Angela' campaign, which began in Lincolnshire, United Kingdom, in 2016. The Lincolnshire County Council developed the 'ask for Angela' campaign when the #MeToo movement was at an all-time high, pushing for awareness about sexual assault. The popular 'ask for Angela' Europe campaign transformed into the 'Angel shot' trick word as it came to the States.
Anyone can be a victim of unwanted attention when in clubs or bars. Moreover, the matters escalate in some cases too. Keeping this in mind, and seeing how viral the trend is, many bars around the world have started putting up signs in women's restrooms explaining how to ask for help or how to order an angel shot. One such sign was spotted at a Hooters in South Africa which read, "Is your Tinder or Plenty of Fish date not who they said they were on their profile? Do you feel unsafe, or even just a little bit weird? We're here to help. Just go to the bar and order an angel shot." The sign further explains the aforementioned types of angel shots.