Who is Tiffany Poindexter? California mom earns $150K a month on OnlyFans, other parents slam her sexy pics

A California mom of three kids, who rakes in $150,000 a month on OnlyFans, says she is being bullied by fellow mums after they discovered her account.
Tiffany Poindexter, 44, from Northern California, stated that other parents are trying to get her children kicked out of their school because of her means to make money. The OnlyFans hot model further claimed that she is one of the most successful OnlyFans models in the world making a whopping amount every month through the website. The mother of three boys — aged 8, 10 and 12 — first began her account in 2019 as a way to spice up her relationship with her 49-year-old husband Chris after the couple began experiencing problems in their marriage.
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Known as Mrs Poindexter on the adult platform, she earned $14,000 in the first month alone for posing in lingerie while doing “regular mum activities” like cooking or cleaning. According to Tiffany, her pictures are popular because it’s relatable and helps her to improve her self-confidence, as reported by The Sun.

Tiffany, along with her family, lives in a wealthy neighborhood made up of a close-knit Catholic community. She has also claimed that they have received considerable backlash from people who don’t approve of the OnlyFans account.
Tiffany said, “I felt pretty unsexy when I went through early menopause. One of the things we tried to make our marriage more exciting was posting a picture of me in a bikini on Reddit. It was Chris’ idea, and it became so popular that all these people started asking for more — so we set up an OnlyFans and I just blew up. It’s something we just completely fell into, we had no idea how successful it would become. We started in September 2019 and no one knew about it. No friends, family or anyone. It was a sexy secret between me and my husband that was so exciting and fun.” But things changed in July 2020 when their neighbors and parents of their children’s school found Tiffany’s account.

She added, “Someone came across my account and suddenly I had mums from school texting me and leaving voicemails saying I had to leave the school. Some women from my area actually printed out pictures I posted on my OnlyFans and mailed them to the principal of my children’s school. We were called a load of names; apparently, it was 'disturbing, disgusting, horrifying' and 'my children should be kicked out!'”
Fortunately for the couple, the school principal reportedly chose not to get involved at that time. According to Tiffany, it wasn’t just the kid's education that these mothers tried to hinder. They allegedly also wrote to the local priest and bishop, as well as made a secret Facebook group to gossip about the family. Tiffany said, “It hit me in the gut every time I heard something new. In the very beginning, I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown. It was just so intrusive, it was something that was supposed to be a secret in our marriage. They think I must be having sex with all these men and I’m not! It’s just a hot sexy wife fantasy.”

The couple has also claimed that there is a dedicated group “harassing them” for “no good reason”. Chris said, "There are certain people who just won’t leave us alone but 99% of people who find out really don’t care at all. A lot of people we know just say: you do you guys. I reckon most of the husbands have taken a look at Tiffany’s account. If I had heard about a school mum doing OnlyFans, I definitely would have! Maybe that’s why these women have such an issue with us.”
He further added, "The routine is really simple — I’ll prep 10-12 pics at some point, and she’ll upload them in the morning with her captions and schedule them to drop each hour throughout the day. She’ll mix in prepared sexy pics (like a lingerie shoot) with what she’s doing at the moment. And she does an 'after work' video of undressing from work clothes and summarising what happened that day which is probably consistently the most popular thing she does. She’ll answer messages all day as there are a lot and you can’t let them pile up or it gets crazy. It’s not too hard even with the kids, although sometimes the screaming and fighting can be heard on an end-of-day video and she has to re-do it, or I have to crop the sound!"