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Tiffany Haddish trolled over fan-made 'Coming 2 America' poster, accused of perpetuating black stereotypes

After the fake poster featured her, many slammed Tiffany Haddish but some also came to her rescue
UPDATED MAY 16, 2020
Tiffany Haddish (Getty Images)
Tiffany Haddish (Getty Images)

Fans have waited for over 30 years to enjoy Eddie Murphy's movie 'Coming 2 America', which will be a sequel to the hit film 'Coming to America'. So, when a fake poster of the movie began doing rounds on Twitter featuring the actors who would be appearing in the movie alongside Tiffany Haddish, people were quick to form snap judgments about the film. Many fans instantly declared that the movie wouldn't be as good as they had anticipated after seeing Tiffany on the poster. Although eventually, fans realized that the poster was fake, but the discussion about Tiffany continued.

While several fans criticized Tiffany for perpetuating black stereotypes with her roles, others slammed the trolls for picking on the 'Girls Trip' actress. The discussion also quickly moved to how blacks are the first ones to tear down other black people. Many fans also admitted that it is unfair to just target Tiffany for perpetuating black stereotypes when several other stars like Tyler Perry and Kevin Hart get away with doing the same. 

A fan tweeted, "Most people don’t hate Tiffany Haddish just because she’s successful, they dislike her because she plays the same caricature of a black woman in every role she gets. Similar to Kevin Hart who just plays himself in all his projects. I personally don’t care." Another fan wrote, "Is that Tiffany Haddish!?! You probably right... already seems like a FLOP!!!" One more pointed out, "It’s a shame yall don’t see why a lot of us don’t like Tiffany Haddish... she really the stereotype white people see us as loud and ghetto.... in every movie... that’s embarrassing."

Few fans also extended their support to Tiffany by expressing how hard it is for black people to make it in the industry. "Y'all were ALL HERE for this sequel until you saw two Black women on the poster, now all of a sudden, you have concerns and got Tiffany Haddish trending for no damn reason. Don't y'all ever get tired of telling yourselves? I know I do," expressed a fan. Another fan shared, "I won’t ever tear down a black person succeeding. Idc what my opinion of how well they do their craft is.. it’s hard out here for us so i will always root for Tiffany Haddish." Another said, "I'm not sure what Tiffany Haddish did to engender such hate but there are MANY comics some people 'just don't find funny' that don't get this level of vitriol. Even if you don't rock with her, can we be happy it's HER turn in the spotlight for a while? Let her count her bread." 

Set in the fictional African kingdom of Zamunda, the movie follows the crown prince, Prince Akeem (Eddie Murphy). The sequel 'Coming 2 America' begins with Akeem set to becoming the King of Zamunda when he discovers that he has a secret son in America. In order to honor his father's dying wish to groom his son as the crown prince of the kingdom, Akeem and his best friend Semmi (Arsenio Hall) go back to the US in search of the mysterious son.