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'This is Us' Season 4 Episode 10: Fans want to see more of adult Jack and teenage Kate's boyfriend, but don't want one character to return

The premiere episode of Season 4 had introduced three separate characters and their storylines had us confused for a while until we learned how they all fit into the Pearson family structure.

'This is Us' is returning after a long, long winter break on Tuesday, January 14, and when it does, there are quite a few storylines that we want to see addressed. As a show, we have loved 'This is Us' for bringing us characters from all walks of life, and giving the audience the representation they deserve, and the only downside of that is that we don't get to see all the characters we love, and in certain cases, we dislike, as much as we want to. Some stories remain unexplored for episodes to come, and a few such characters were introduced in the beginning of Season 4 and we certainly hope come January, we will get to learn more about them. 

The premiere episode of Season 4 had introduced three separate characters and their storylines had us confused for a while until we learned how they all fit into the Pearson family structure. Since then, we have really gotten explore two separate characters, which are Cassie (Jennifer Morrison) and Malik (Asante Blackk). While Cassie went on to become a huge part of Kevin's (Justin Hartley) life while he visited his uncle, Malik started dating Deja (Lyric Ross) and became a part of Randall (Sterling K Brown) and Beth's (Susn Kelechi Watson) lives. 


The one person we did not see a lot of this season is adult Jack (Blake Stadnik), who has more or less been absent from the show since the series premiere. He is seen carrying on the traditions of the Pearson family, and being a part of magical, music moments that connected them over multiple generations. However, we haven't really seen the crises in his life - his journey of becoming a famous musician, how he remembers Rebecca (Mandy Moore), and so on. Fans are really craving for more of him, we sure hope Season 4B really gives us more Jack. 

The other person we really want to see more of is teenage Kate's (Hannah Zeile) boyfriend Marc  (Austin Abrams) and this is definitely not because we like him. In fact, we are scared of what we would be subjected to when he returns. It is clear that he was bad news in Kate's (Chrissy Metz) life, especially since we see even Rebecca apologizing to Kate for not recognizing how bad that relationship was. Fans have been begging for more about their relationship, and we feel like the return of the show promises that, especially since understanding Kate now and her relationship with Toby (Chris Sullivan) would possibly require understanding her relationship with Marc. 

Meanwhile, fans are truly hoping that we do not see Cassie again, and ironically this is because we love her. Most of us believe that she got the happy ending she deserves and does not need to be back in Kevin's life. Hopefully, that stays true too, when 'This is Us' Season 4 Episode 10 airs on NBC on Tuesday, January 14.