'The Wilds' Season 2 Episode 1: Leah's quest into Nora's truth continues

Leah Rilke (Sarah Pidgeon), the show's most sullen camper, was on Gretchen and her sick experiment in the Season 1 finale, both while on the island and shortly after being evacuated and held in holding (with Gretchen's team dressed as agents). In the second season, she takes things to the next level and meets some surprising allies along the road. The plot continues with an investigation into both experiments, which further develops the already-loved characters and introduces a new group of people.
The finale of 'The Wilds' Season 1 was equally shocking as the first episode's revelation that all the young ladies are inadvertent participants in Dr Gretchen Klein's (Rachel Griffiths) sociological experiment. Throughout the season, the show teased the real identity of Gretchen's mole within the experiment, but the major disclosure in the 10th and final episode, "Day Twenty-Three," might startle you. The episode also revealed Gretchen's intentions for launching the Dawn of Eve experiment, answered some sad events on the island that had been discussed in numerous post-interviews with experiment subjects, and introduced new mysteries that will be probed in the show's second season.
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'The Wilds' continues up just where the first season left off, with the show's characters amid a crisis - and as the girls cope with the aftermath of the catastrophe, they form what Leah refers to as "a family." Rachel (Reigh Edwards) was attacked by a shark while swimming in the ocean, explaining how she lost her hand, which we see her without in several of the time jumps. This major injury occurred just before Leah was ready to confront Rachel's sister Nora (Helena Howard) about her involvement in the group as a plant. The controlling Gretchen's observation of the island and the girls stuck on it was well known to the viewer, but it had remained a mystery to the girls up until this moment.
The season premiere underscores how the previous disaster, along with her being so close to discovering the truth, has left Leah in a bad spot. She continues her search for anything in the woods that could substantiate her suspicions about Nora and persuade the other girls. She spends hours looking for the tree she "thinks" Nora was talking to. Her brain starts to spiral as she makes no headway on getting the girls off the island.
The other girls, on the other hand, are finally on their way to changing bases. Rachel, bereaved, refuses to move because it is where she lost her sister Nora. Leah promises her that even if everyone else departs, she will be at her side. Meanwhile, she has a feeling Rachel is aware of Nora's truth. Rachel is grieving over her sister, and Leah's constant questions incapacitate her. Leah keeps wondering if Nora suggested the retreat to Rachel and, if so, where she heard about it. Rachel informs Leah about Nora's attempt to save her from herself. Nora was Rachel's go-to person, since she was terrified of almost everything and needed someone to lean on. In a desperate attempt to discover an answer to her question, she continues to press Rachel on Nora's reality. Rachel eventually bursts into tears and fights with Leah as a result of this. Looking at Rachel's condition, Fatin (Sophia Ali) advises Leah to stay away from her.

In Episode 1 of 'The Wilds' Season 2, Leah ran "wild" in search of the truth, but the latest tragedy has made things more difficult than she could have imagined. 'The Wilds' Season 2 is now available for streaming on Amazon Prime.