The truth behind shrimp tails in diet pills: 'Landman' lesson shocks Ainsley and us
Warning: This article contains spoilers for 'Landman'
Amid the usual chaos of life in 'Landman', Ainsley stumbled across something unexpected during a visit to the Patch Café shrimp tails. Not on a plate, but as a supposed healthy food. What started as a random comment turned into a funny yet eye-opening conversation about wellness trends and how some ideas are just too weird to take seriously.
For Ainsley, it was a moment of distraction from the whirlwind of family drama swirling around her. But as she dug deeper, she uncovered a surprising truth about shrimp tails, diet fads, and maybe even life itself.
Ainsley finds out shrimp tails are used in diet pills in 'Landman'

While Ainsley and Angela were at the café, someone mentioned shrimp tails being used in diet pills. Naturally, Angela had a field day with the idea. When Ainsley couldn’t resist asking about it, Angela joked, “She’s on spring break and she should be drinking,” brushing off the idea entirely. Apparently, shrimp tails contain something called chitin, which can be turned into a fiber-like substance used in weight loss supplements. The claim? It binds to fat in the stomach and helps flush it out. Ainsley, unimpressed, shot back with, “So, we’re just eating garbage now?” It was a hilarious moment that captured how ridiculous some health trends can sound.
Landman's shrimp tails scene might be hinting at something more

Ainsley’s shrimp-tail skepticism wasn’t just about diet fads. It reflected something bigger, that is her growing awareness of the messy, complicated truths in her life. When she tearfully told Tommy, “She’s a quitter,” about Angela leaving during hard times, it was clear she was starting to see through the stories people tell themselves and others. In that café moment, the shrimp tails became a metaphor for Ainsley’s life. Just because something promises a quick fix, whether it’s a trendy diet pill or her parents rekindling their romance, doesn’t mean it’s the real deal. And if Ainsley’s learning anything, it’s that you have to look deeper before you swallow what’s being served.
'Landman' trailer
4 episodes of 'Landman' are available to stream on Paramount+.