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'The Sympathizer': Captain's uncertain fate in Vietnamese prison sets stage for riveting conclusion

Intrigue grows around Captain's fate as 'The Sympathizer' is nearing its conclusion
Captain struggles to prove his identity and loyalty in North Vietnamese prison in 'The Sympathizer' (@HBO)
Captain struggles to prove his identity and loyalty in North Vietnamese prison in 'The Sympathizer' (@HBO)

May contain spoilers for 'The Sympathizer'

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: 'The Sympathizer', co-created and directed by Park Chan-wook, is gearing up for an exciting finale as it approaches the release of its last two episodes this month.

The HBO series is based on Viet Thanh Nguyen's novel of the same name and introduces us to the world of Captain (Hoa Xuande), a North Vietnam spy planted in South Vietnam army.

After the fall of Saigon, Captain is forced to flee with his South Vietnam General (Toan Le) to the US where he constantly tries to adjust to his new life while continuing his espionage duties.

As 'The Sympathizer' is nearing its conclusion, we can't stop wondering the fate of our protagonist for whom things have gone drastically haywire.

Is Captain's life in danger in 'The Sympathizer'?

Hoa Xuande as Captain in 'The Sympathizer' (@HBO)
Hoa Xuande as Captain in 'The Sympathizer' (@HBO)

Of course, our Captain is in danger. The regular viewers would know that the narrative of the series moves back and forth showcasing Captain's life in LA and his eventual fate in North Vietnamese prison.

We are aware that the Captain is detained in a prison back home and undergoing intense interrogation. However, the mystery of how he ended up in a Vietnamese prison from Los Angeles remains unanswered, leaving us eagerly awaiting the revelation.

During the harsh interrogation, he narrates all about his life as a spy for the North in South Vietnam and Los Angeles. However, he is unable to support his claims, as being a spy, there is no record of his identity in documents of the North.

In 'The Sympathizer' Episode 5, he even asks the commander to get in touch with Man (Duy Nguyễn), who could vouch for the Captain's identity and his contribution. However, the disappearance of Man from the narrative seems to escalate troubles for Captain.

Captain's life hangs in the air. It seems very unlikely that he would be a free man again, courtesy of the choices he made. Will he face execution by the army he has remained loyal to throughout?

We hope to get more clarity in Episode 6 with the final revelations in Episode 7.

When will 'The Sympathizer' Episode 6 and 7 release?

Hoa Xuande in 'The Sympathizer' (@HBO)
Hoa Xuande in 'The Sympathizer' (@HBO)

Making its debut on April 14, 2024, the HBO series has been following a weekly release pattern since then.

As per the scheduled, 'The Sympathizer' Episode 6 will air next Sunday, May 19, 2024 followed by the show's finale episode airing on May 26.

The last two episodes, directed by Marc Munden, will be available on HBO Max.

'The Sympathizer' trailer