'The Passage': NYPD Blue's Mark-Paul Gosselaar puts on his detective cap again, this time for a rather unusual plot

Mark-Paul Gosselaar is an asset to comedy on television, but somehow, the one avatar of his that fans have latched on to for the longest period of time is John Clar Jr. from ABC's former longest-running drama, 'NYPD Blue'. Gosselaar played the role for four years at a stretch and soon became a fan favorite cop on television.
This was probably because of the wholesome relationship the character shared with his work-partner, detective Andy Sipowicz - showcasing a journey between a mentor and a mentee. Fast forward to 2019, and Gosselaar has another equally riveting plot to unfold on the upcoming show 'The Passage'. This time acting as a guiding surrogate parent of a young child while he mentors her through the process, once again, as a detective.