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'The Outlaws' Season 3 Episode 4 Ending Explained: Greg's clever maneuver secures victory in Gabby's court case

'The Outlaws' Season 3 Episode 4 has a redemption arc for John Halloran as he forgives his father
'The Outlaws' Season 3 Episode 4 shows us Greg Dillard's underrated legal skills (@Prime Video)
'The Outlaws' Season 3 Episode 4 shows us Greg Dillard's underrated legal skills (@Prime Video)

Warning: Contains Spoilers for 'The Outlaws'

BRISTOL, UNITED KINGDOM: 'The Outlaws' Season 3 will be streaming on Prime Video on May 31, 2024, and its fourth episode is all about redemption as the creators Elgin James and Stephen Merchant build toward what promises to be an epic finale. 

Episode 4 moves the story forward in the sense of the community service members working on executing their heist but also ties up some pending loose ends before moving on to the heist. As the community members try to understand more about the video they found on Smiler's (Rhys Yates) phone, Lady Gabriella Penrose-Howe aka Gabby (Eleanor Tomlinson) fights a court case against her father. 

John Halloran (Darren Boyd) and Myrna Okeke (Clare Perkins) too have their struggles as Myrna's partner Sean (Patrick Robinson) finds out about her involvement with drugs and decides to leave her. John attends his daughter's birthday while trying to deal with his mental demons. So what happens to Gabby, Myrna, and John? How are the members preparing for the heist? Here we explain the end of Season 3, Episode 4 of 'The Outlaws'.

John and Myrna spy on The Dean's house

Darren Boyd as John Halloran in a still from 'The Outlaws' (@Prime Video)
Darren Boyd as John Halloran in a still from 'The Outlaws' (@Prime Video)

John and Myrna spy on The Dean's (Claes Bang) house and notice the presence of their security person who carries a gun. In this episode though, they go through a spiral of emotions. 

Myrna's partner Sean is leaving when John justifies her actions to him as they drop him off at the airport. John reminds Sean of a chapter from his motivational book which talks about accepting people as they are. 

Throughout this season, John's arc has been all about trying to deal with his mental issues through guided meditation. But this episode has him realize the value of forgiveness. He decides not to take any action against his father and when he meets his father at his daughter's birthday, he hugs and forgives his father. 

Greg finds a loophole to win Gabby's court case

Stephen Merchant as Gregory Dillard aka Greg in a still from 'The Outlaws' (@Prime Video)
Stephen Merchant as Gregory Dillard aka Greg in a still from 'The Outlaws' (@Prime Video)

Gregory Dillard aka Greg (Stephen Merchant) fights Gabby's court case and rejects the settlement offer given by her father. He tells Gabby that he doesn't want to back down from a fight this time around and asks her to trust him. 

Greg bases his case on the absence of a transfer deed but Gabby's father and his lawyer produce the deed in question. Gabby and her father have signed the deed too. 

The decision of not taking the settlement seems to backfire as Greg is about to lose the case. In a moment of desperation, Greg exploits a loophole to prove the deed null and void as Gabby has been proven to be of unsound mind by her father's lawyer earlier. Gabby wins the case. 

Ben and Rani meet Smiler's wife

Rhianne Barreto as Rani Rekowski in a still from the series 'The Outlaws' (@Prime Video)
Rhianne Barreto as Rani Rekowski in a still from the series 'The Outlaws' (@Prime Video)

Ben (Gamba Cole) and Rani Rekowski (Rhianne Barreto) go to meet Smiler's wife who dismisses them at first but tells them an important secret about The Dean's hard disk. She tells them that the hard disk is behind a horse and that is all she knows about the hard disk.

Burgees (Ricky Grover) who is on their heels catches up with them and they have to run. As Ben and Rani spend more time together, they find themselves getting attracted to each other once again.  

'The Outlaws' Season 3 trailer


'The Outlaws' Season 3 is streaming on Prime Video.