'The Masked Singer': Wendy Williams is Lips, but did she shade Jenny McCarthy over lip fillers?

It's Wendy Williams under the Lips mask on 'The Masked Singer' and this was revealed at the end of the Group C performances. The big pouty red-lipped masked celebrity performed 'Native New Yorker' by Odyssey and broke into a speech mid-song and her signature snorty laugh. That was what gave her identity away to the people watching the show from home as well as Jenny McCarthy and Nicole Scherzinger on the judges' panel. However, Robin Thicke insisted that it could be Sandra Bernhard and Dr Ken Jeong was sure that it was the 'luscious' Alison Janney under the mask.
"If you want a hint about me, I own who I am. I know my voice can go high, but my dishes go deep," this was the very first clue about the lips revealed on the special episode where all masked celebrities were introduced. Then on Wednesday night, October 28, it was the first time Lips sang on the show but before that, a clue package with visual clues including leopard print roller skates (we thought it was Kylie Jenner, given her newly launched leopard-printed collection). Other elements scattered across the clue package video were a nose, a number 12 jersey, electricity, cherries on an ice cream cone. After her diva-like performance, Nick Cannon asked her if she always wanted to be a giant pair of lips to which she replied, "Why not? They’re sexy and when I do get my filler, they’re this big before they deflate.”
She then went ahead to throw a little shade at Jenny McCarthy saying that the judge knew what she was talking about, insinuating that McCarthy's perfect lips are the work of a doctor. The judge played it cool and said she didn't quite understand what the Lips wanted to say.
In the last couple of minutes of the show, Lips was announced as the lowest voted masked celebrity while Brocolli, Squiggly Monster, Mushroom and Jellyfish moved on to the quarter finals. As is a ritual on the show, the lowest voted contestant had to reveal themselves once eliminated and there emerged a silver-haired Wendy, flashing a wide smile. She had a short conversation with the judges after her reveal during which she also checked Thicke saying, "I hope you're staying out of trouble." Audiences noticed the judge getting a little uncomfortable after that. Wendy then went on to perform her song one last time on the 'TMS' stage before bowing out for good.
'The Masked Singer' airs on Wednesdays at 8 pm ET on FOX.