'The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power' Episode 6: Did Adar kill [SPOILER]? SHOCKING revelation stuns Galadriel

Contains Spoilers for 'The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power' Episode 6
Peter Jackson’s ‘Lord of the Rings’ takes place in the third age of Middle Earth and sees Sauron at its strongest. The Dark Lord had the power to manipulate anyone who possessed the OneRing and make him or her do anything that might be dangerous for the people of Middle Earth. Meanwhile, ‘The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power’ takes place right after the War of Wraths, which saw Morgoth getting defeated by the alliance of Elves, men, and Valar. However, Episode 6 of the Amazon fantasy series saw Adar making an interesting claim that would make viewers realize the mind-games he’s playing with Galadriel and company.
The sixth episode of Season 1 saw the battle between Orcs and the people of Tirhadad. When it felt like the Orcs will get the Black Sword to unleash havoc, the Numenor army stormed the village and killed almost all the Orcs that were present there. During the battle, Adar managed to escape with the Black Sword, but Galadriel saw him and ran behind. An epic chase sequence saw Galadriel (Morfydd Clark) and Adar going through the woods on their respective horses. The chase ended with Halbrand coming from the other end and capturing the evil Elf. Galadriel stops Halbrand from killing him because they needed to know about his plan and Sauron's.

A few moments later we see Galadriel talking to Adar and telling him a story Morgoth took some Elves with him, tortured them, tormented them, and made them like what Adar is. They were the “first Orcs." Adar says that they were known as “Uruk." The conversation continued and Galadriel asked him about Sauron. At first, he said that he didn’t know about Sauron, but when Galadriel kept on pressuring him to talk about the Dark Lord, he finally gave in and told her the truth. He said after Morgoth’s defeat Sauron was badly injured and changed his path. Sauron devoted himself to healing Middle Earth and brought its ruined lands together in perfect order. He sought to craft a power that could give him control over humans. Sauron was after black knowledge that was kept hidden from him and he spilled a lot of blood over its pursuit. Adar revealed that he sacrificed a lot of his children for his aspirations and that's when he confesses that he split Sauron open and killed him.
Galadriel knew that Adar was lying and told him that she is ready to travel all her life to find Sauron and kill him because she knows that he made up that story about killing the Dark Lord. The commander of the Northern Army lets Adar know that she’ll keep him alive for the day when every single Orc is killed and she can tell him that the reign of Darkness ends with him.
Now, we know that it’s a made-up story because Sauron wreaked havoc in the third age as well. The third age was mostly about the wars between good and evil because darkness had taken over the land of Middle Earth and Sauron had made himself invincible. So, Adar is undoubtedly lying and trying to prove that he is the only leader now, not Sauron.