'The Last of Us' Episode 8 Ending Explained: Is it the end for David and his cannibalistic cult?

Spoilers for 'The Last of Us' Episode 8 'When We Are in Need'
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Episode 8 of HBO Max's hit show 'The Last of Us' didn't disappoint with its steady but much-awaited storyline. Those who watched the latest episode know that all the details at the end of the episode were taken from the original game.
With the introduction of a much-awaited villain to a well-known artist cameo of Troy Baker, Episode 8 is all about adrenaline and thrill. But, as it came to an end, the show did what it does best, leaving us all on a cliffhanger with assumptions and a side of speculation. Although this episode was a banger, it didn't quite bring out Pedro Pascal's Joel and his fight or flight response. The main superstar of this episode was Ellie and her "won't care for anyone but Joel" attitude. It is quite interesting that the production is giving importance to the original storyline created for the game and adding it to the show.
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Into the horizon

With only one episode remaining in 'The Last of Us' Season 1, we are in tears to see Joel and Ellie wandering off in the distance in Episode 8. There are many questions and speculations. In the last 20 minutes of Episode 8, we see Ellie being chased around by David, who is waiting around the corner of the cannibal group's shelter with a butcher knife to take her down. The struggle between them happens while the entire place is in flames in the background. David forces Ellie down and gets on top of her and tells her, "That fight is the best part of the struggle, and there is struggle in love," in the most creepy way possible. However, something happens to Ellie, maybe it is adrenaline, maybe it is courage or the undeniable fact that she is uncomfortable. She pushes him away with great force and stabs him repeatedly with a knife while screaming and crying her eyes out.
She looks traumatized as she comes out of the cult's shelter and walks off in the snow with no coat on. Later, there is a man who hugs her from behind, but Ellie is too traumatized and is shouting at the man, who is revealed to be Joel. He shushes her and calms her down, all while cooing at her. He tells her, "It's okay baby girl, I got you." The episode ends with Joel and Ellie wobbling off on a snow-clad road and disappearing in the distance.
What happens to David and his cult?
Although the whole group is not featured that much in the entire episode, except in the funeral and supper scene, it is confirmed that the cult's leaders David and James have died. But the question arises that what happened to the group? Did they wander off to find a new leader or did they die in the shelter fire?
It can also mean that the girl we saw in the first scene of the episode might come back as the leader to get revenge on Joel and Ellie for not only killing her father but also killing the group she called "family". We hope the last episode of Season 1 doesn't leave us on a cliffhanger and answers questions before the second season.
'The Last of Us' is now exclusively streaming on HBO Max.