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‘The Killer’s Game’ Ending Explained: Dave Bautista's action thriller's finale hints at potential sequel

The explosive ending of 'The Killer's Game' leaves us wondering what's next for Joe and Maize
'The Killer's Game' features a stellar cast including Dave Bautista, Terry Crews and more (@lionsgate)
'The Killer's Game' features a stellar cast including Dave Bautista, Terry Crews and more (@lionsgate)

This article contains spoilers and speculations for 'The Killer's Game'

Budapest, Hungary: Dave Bautista's latest action movie, 'The Killer's Game' ended with a big bang! The film follows Joe Flood, a hitman diagnosed with a terminal illness, who orders a $2 million contract on himself. However, in a stunning twist, Joe discovers the diagnosis was wrong due to a lab error. Despite his attempts to cancel the contract, multiple assassins are already on his tail, and their leader, Marianna (Pom Klementieff), refuses to back down. As Joe fights for survival, he takes down multiple rival assassins with left, right, and center.

Meanwhile, his girlfriend Maize (Sofia Boutella) finds herself in the clutches of his arch-nemesis, Lovedahl (Terry Crews). In a dramatic turn of events, Maize saves Joe from certain death, and the two share a tender moment, confessing their love amid the chaos. The explosive ending of 'The Killer's Game' leaves us wondering what's next for Joe and Maize. Will they find a way to escape the deadly game, or will they become its next victims? The fate of this action-packed franchise is yet to be decided. Until then, here's how 'The Killer's Game' ended and what it means for the franchise.

Has Joe left the game for good in 'The Killer's Game'?

A still from 'The Killer's Game' (@lionsgate)
A still from 'The Killer's Game' (@lionsgate)

After all the action in 'The Killer's Game', we're left wondering if Joe is really done being a hitman. Initially, Joe wants to quit the deadly game because he's found love with Maize however when he thinks he's dying, he tries to go out with a bang.

After fighting off his enemies, Joe tells his friend Zvi that he's done for good. He wants to start a new life with Maize, and they get married and have a baby on the way. However, just as thinks he is done with his old life, Zvi suggests he could take on new jobs now that the competition is gone. Surprisingly, Maize doesn't seem totally against the idea of Joe going back to his old ways. She even jokes about how much money he could make by just hurting people instead of killing them.

As they talk about saving up for their kid's future, it seems like Joe might not be done being a hitman after all. For now, he's happy with his new family, but the door is open for him to go back to his old life if he wants to. 

Why did Marianna want to kill Joe so badly?

A still from 'The Killer's Game' (@lionsgate)
A still from 'The Killer's Game' (@lionsgate)

The plot of 'The Killer's Game' spirals out of control and starts going downhill as soon as Marianna refuses to cancel the hit on Joe. But why does she want him dead so badly? In case you might have missed it, the movie hinted that they had a painful past between them.

Marianna's father was killed by Joe, someone he considered a friend so the betrayal cuts very deep. But only as the story progresses, we learn that Joe had no choice but to kill Marianna's father. He broke the rules, and Joe had to enforce them. Despite this,  Marianna can't forgive Joe for taking her father's life. In a shocking twist, she meets the same fate when Zvi kills her for breaking the same rule. Joe, meanwhile, fights for survival against the mercenaries she hired to kill him. 

What was the real reason behind Joe's health issues?

A still from 'The Killer's Game' (@lionsgate)
A still from 'The Killer's Game' (@lionsgate)

In 'The Killer's Game', Joe's health issues are apparent from the start. He suffers from debilitating headaches, double vision, and other symptoms during his first mission (in the movie). Desperate for answers, he undergoes a barrage of tests, only to receive a devastating diagnosis: Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), with just three months to live.

Imagine Joe's shock when he found out that he had been misdiagnosed! But that's beside the point. What was truly behind his crippling symptoms? The answer is surprisingly simple. Twenty years of taking brutal hits and punches had taken its toll on Joe's neck, which was out of alignment, causing his headaches and double vision. Zvi's wife, Sharon, a former massage therapist, works her magic on Joe's neck, and his symptoms disappear. It turns out that Joe didn't have a deadly disease; he just needed a good massage to get his neck back in order. I can relate to him because there are times when I feel like the world is falling apart, but sometimes all I need is a back rub.

Why did Joe & Maize not help Lovedahl in the climax of 'The Killer's Game'?

A still from 'The Killer's Game' (@lionsgate)
A still from 'The Killer's Game' (@lionsgate)

The ending of 'The Killer's Game' is an emotional moment. Joe and Maize leave Lovedahl to fend for himself, refusing to help him when he's injured and trapped. It's a decision that speaks volumes about the consequences of Lovedahl's actions. Lovedahl was an unstoppable force when it came to pursuing Joe and boy, was he relentless, driven by greed, and a willingness to harm those closest to Joe. He even kidnapped Maize, putting her in danger but only stopped when Marianna wouldn't meet his $6 million demand.

Joe's mercy is evident in sparing Lovedahl's life, but he won't forgive the harm caused so easily. Joe's suggestion that Lovedahl retire underscores his sentiment. Lovedahl's actions have consequences, and Joe won't forgive or forget easily. By leaving him to escape on his own, Joe sends a clear message: their debt is settled, but their account is far from clear. Some wounds just don't heal, no matter what. But we never know, they might team up for a sequel. The possibilities, when you think about them, are endless.

'The Killer's Game' trailer