'The Flash' Season 6: Will potentially shortened season see Black Hole storyline get pushed over to Season 7?

If the pre 'Crisis' Season 6 of 'The Flash' was all about the emotions surrounding the imminent death of Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) and combating the Bloodwork/Dr. Ramsey (Sendhil Ramamurthy) threat, the aftermath of 'Crisis on Infinite Earths' was a major course correction for the Arrowverse show.
In addition to the return of familiar foes, the episodes also introduced villainy in the form of Black Hole, a mysterious organization in 'Marathon'. The episode saw Iris West-Allen (Candice Patton) and her team at the Central City Citizen, Allegra Garcia (Kayla Compton) and Kamilla Hwang (Victoria Park) investigating Maelstrom, a shadow corporation in connection to meta-human smuggling. Iris follows a lead, Gene Huskk who has had a run-in with Maelstrom and he reveals the organization was a front for the Black Hole.
According to Fandom, Black Hole is best described as: "An extremely dangerous Central City Criminal Organization who are comprised of Rogue Scientists who have studied The Speed Force trying to harness the power of The Speed Force. They have made advanced tech, mainly weapons, that have been used against Speedsters but also used by normal criminals to use for crimes in Central City."
However, unlike the comic version, which was introduced quite recently, Black Hole has not fiddled or attempted to use the power of the Speed Force and their true motives have remained rather elusive. What we do know of is the trouble Iris is into after she is sucked into the Mirror World by Eva McCulloch/Mirror Master.
And as unfortunate as it seems, the shortened season which will run till May 19 may mean we may get around the 20 episode mark. It can be safely assumed that the Black Hole storyline may spill over either to the next season or hopefully air sometime later in the year.
What fans are waiting for is the recreation of the Speed Force plotline that gained prominence after the return of Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash and the loss of Barry's speed. With team Flash looking at Nora West-Allen's (Jessica Parker Kennedy) book to help create the Speed Force, what happens next is a matter of great interest to the fans. And, this is a storyline that could be resolved in another four episodes, unless the Arrowverse decides to throw in a surprise.
What are your thoughts on the Black Hole storyline?
'The Flash' Season 6 will be back with a new episode on April 21 at 8 pm on The CW.