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‘The Deliverance’ Ending Explained: Is Andre alive? Netflix horror flick's climax is a holy awakening

‘The Deliverance’ leaves us with a powerful message: that sometimes, the strength to fight our darkest battles comes from faith
‘The Deliverance’ holds abundant themes and meanings that lead to holistic answers with many truths (@netflix)
‘The Deliverance’ holds abundant themes and meanings that lead to holistic answers with many truths (@netflix)

Contains spoilers for ‘The Deliverance’

PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA: Netflix's ‘The Deliverance’ carries the unmistakable stamp of Lee Daniels. It’s clear from the start that he’s fully invested in his loose adaptation of a real-life horror story from Gary, Indiana.

While his dedication brings depth to the drama—especially in exploring the relationship between a Black daughter and a White mother facing the torments of poverty and a fraught biracial family dynamic—the horror elements fall flat. Ironically, this is partly because Daniels is so committed to exploring the complexities of faith, a theme that only resonates with those who already believe. For everyone else, there’s little to hold onto.

What happens in ‘The Deliverance’?

A still from ‘The Deliverance’ (@netflix)
A still from ‘The Deliverance’ (@netflix)

Ebony's life is a relentless storm of chaos and misfortune. Moving to Indiana with her three children and her mother, Alberta, things quickly go from bad to worse. Financial troubles pile up, and the tension between Ebony and Alberta is palpable, their relationship marred by years of unhealed wounds. Yet, beneath the sharp exchanges, there’s a deep, complicated love. And then, there’s the house—a place that smells like death, with a dead cat in the basement and an unsettling aura that seems to have attached itself to Ebony’s youngest, Andre, who’s been talking to an imaginary friend named Trey.

But Ebony’s too overwhelmed by the harsh realities of her life to focus on the oddities around her. As a Black woman, a single mother, and someone battling alcoholism, she’s struggling to hold everything together. Her demons surface every time she loses control and hits her children, only to show fierce love moments later, like when she confronts Nate’s bully. But with the house’s mysterious occurrences growing more aggressive, Ebony’s grasp on her life starts slipping. Child protective services (DCS) are closing in, and no matter what she does, life refuses to cut her a break.

What happens with Ebony and Alberta?

A still from ‘The Deliverance’ (@netflix)
A still from ‘The Deliverance’ (@netflix)

Ebony and Alberta’s relationship is fraught with tension, much of it stemming from Alberta's own failures as a mother. Raising a Black child as a White woman was never easy, but Alberta’s mistakes went beyond that—she was an addict, possibly abusive. She never fully committed to a Black partner, leaving Ebony to feel rejected for the color of her skin. Since then, Alberta has found solace in God and tried to make amends, but Ebony is still operating from a place of childhood hurt. Despite their differences, Ebony secretly pays for Alberta’s chemo, proving that love exists amid bitterness.

Ebony’s resentment towards God is rooted in her childhood trauma. If God could save her mother from addiction, why didn’t he save little Ebony from the abuse she endured? This complicated mix of anger and love keeps her from turning to faith when things get dark.

How does the possession take place? 

A still from ‘The Deliverance’ (@netflix)
A still from ‘The Deliverance’ (@netflix)

The haunting begins subtly—scratches on Shante’s body, strange sounds—but Ebony’s too distracted to notice. Her eldest, Nate, lashes out violently, almost drowning Andre in the bathtub, while Andre’s "imaginary" friend, Trey, continues to lure him into the basement. The family’s problems spiral: Nate becomes unhinged at school, Andre’s behavior turns disturbingly animalistic, and Shante suffers a bizarre incident that leaves her bleeding and terrified.

Ebony feels isolated, especially when Cynthia, a Black social worker from DCS, seems more interested in blaming her than understanding her plight. Cynthia’s tough stance stems from her own grief—she lost her child due to a brief moment of inattention, and she’s determined to protect other children from similar neglect. But to Ebony, Cynthia’s scrutiny feels like another cruel judgment in a world already stacked against her.

Does Alberta die? 

Desperate for answers, Ebony turns to Reverend Bernice, a local apostle who knows the house well. Bernice reveals that this isn’t the first time dark forces have plagued a family living there. Years ago, a family of four from her church faced a similar evil, with their son—another “Trey”—becoming possessed. The story ends in tragedy, and Bernice fails to save them.

When the demon strikes, taking on the form of Trey, Alberta becomes its first victim. Ebony, attempting to flee with her children, gets into an accident, and her bloodwork shows traces of alcohol—leading to her kids being taken away. However, this also puts Andre in the hospital, where Cynthia witnesses his supernatural abilities firsthand. It’s enough to convince her that Ebony might be telling the truth about the dark forces at play.

Is Andre alive?

A still from ‘The Deliverance’ (@netflix)
A still from ‘The Deliverance’ (@netflix)

With Alberta gone, Ebony turns to Bernice for guidance. All her life, Ebony has only known conditional love, so believing in a God who loves unconditionally is a challenge. But in her darkest hour, she opens herself up to faith, guided by Bernice’s unwavering belief.

To save Andre, Bernice attempts a “deliverance,” a faith-driven ritual distinct from a traditional exorcism. Ebony disguises herself as a nurse to sneak Andre out of the hospital, taking him back to the cursed house. But even Bernice’s faith falters against the house’s powerful evil. The demon takes Alberta’s form, tormenting Ebony with painful words. Bernice fights bravely but is ultimately overpowered and killed. Ebony is left to face the demon alone, armed only with her newfound faith and her love for her children.

The demon tries to break Ebony by playing on her insecurities, but she finds strength in accepting her mother’s love and calling upon God. Her faith finally becomes her weapon, driving the demon back to the depths from which it came.

What happens at the end of ‘The Deliverance’?

A still from ‘The Deliverance’ (@netflix)
A still from ‘The Deliverance’ (@netflix)

In the end, Andre is freed, and the other children are miraculously spared. Cynthia’s testimony likely plays a role in helping Ebony regain custody of her kids. Having faced down her demons, both real and metaphorical, Ebony emerges with a renewed sense of purpose and a determination to rebuild her life.

As the film closes, the haunted house is destroyed, but hints remain that the demons still lurk, waiting for another chance. Ebony and her kids move to Philadelphia, and for the first time, there’s hope that things might finally turn around. Perhaps even the relationship with the children’s father has a chance of mending.

‘The Deliverance’ leaves us with a powerful message: that sometimes, the strength to fight our darkest battles comes from the love we hold dear and the faith we dare to find within ourselves.