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'The Conners' Season 3 Episode 2: DJ and Mary have come a long way but fans ask 'why aren’t they showing more'

Mary, who has been spending a lot of time alone thanks to her mother's deployment and DJ's business tours, is finally offered a piece of home

It's easy to forget the youngest Conner child DJ even though he and his daughter Mary have been a significant part of the show for a while now. And while DJ might be easy to overlook, viewers and eagle-eyed fans are also noticing how his daughter Mary is also completely sidetracked more often than not. Even with the most recent Halloween episode 2 of Season 3 fans are pretty much asking just 'Why aren’t they showing Mary' even though she's a Conner?

The problem actually goes deeper than this. The latest episode titled 'Halloween and The Election vs The Pandemic' saw Mary devasted that Halloween has been canceled by the city. Always a tricky time for the young girl, this year is however once again made special by her aunts Darlene and Becky who turn to their own aunt Jackie as well as bring in the rest of the family to make things look normal and give everyone, especially Mary, an unforgettable experience.

Be it Halloween or the fact that this holiday has always been a DJ and Mary focused special on the show, it was quite reminiscent of Season 2's Halloween episode, where Mary seemed to lose her sh*t because people would come up to her and DJ to commend her father on adopting. Mary's mother Geena being deployed means she is gone most of the year, and thus, living with her paper-White family always leads to a lack of a sense of belonging in her.

In Season 2, when Mary suffered the first identity crisis, it was Mark who helped her overcome this feeling of being alone and grabbing eyes all because she looks different than the rest of her family. This year, however, the emotional scene was between DJ and Mary with the father-daughter duo getting the much-needed bonding time they deserve. 

These days DJ doesn't get uncomfortable when situations surrounding his Black daughter require explaining. There's no more asking Mark to take Mary to his room because her race was brought up again. Instead, DJ talks it out with Mary, heart-to-heart, about what's bothering her. In this Covid-19 related season 3, the premiere and subsequent second episode focused on how life, in general, has been in the wake of the pandemic. Conversations surrounding lost jobs, insecurities, fear over the future, paranoia, panic, mental health, and so much more have been addressed. 

A frustrated DJ has to cope with being a single parent while Geena is deployed, and even though he has his family, there are lapses. Mary on the other hand has been sensitive about her mother's return too. The pandemic paranoia has not helped that. The emotional toll of balancing work and children as single parents is a highlight of the episode, but fans still believe Mary doesn't nearly get enough of the screentime she deserves.

Taking it to Twitter, a fan shared: "WHY aren’t they showing Mary more on @TheConnersABC !? She’s a Conner! #TheConners We need more DJ also!"  
Another also noted the sweet development where Mary is finally moving in with the Conners and shared with hope: "I’m glad Mary is moving in we’ll be seeing more of her. Hopefully DJ too."

Other fans wrote to the creator sharing "@ReelMFishman wow, that scene made me tear up. We need more DJ & Mary on the screen. That was wonderfully emotional #TheConners." Speaking about how Mary spends time by herself when she could just be incorporated into the show more, a fan shared: "Mary is a Conner and she should spend time with grandpa and her aunts and cousins. I always had fun with mine... Nothing is like family."





Here's hoping DJ stops being mad that his family did something nice for Mary and just accept the love and care she's being showered with, in his absence as he takes care f business for making a living. 'The Conners' Season 3 airs on Wednesdays at 9 pm on ABC.