'The Chi' Season 4 Episode 6 Spoilers: Who shot Douda? Here's what to expect from 'Candyman'

Season 4 of ‘The Chi’ is getting intense with each passing episode and fans are always eager to know what will happen in the next episode. Until Episode 4, things were going smooth. Yes, the characters were facing problematic situations in their lives, but they were not as drastic as what we saw during Episode 5.
The makers have the responsibility to tie all the loose ends before the finale airs in August. Fans would be hoping to see characters having a happy ending. However, the makers would be making things more complicated by killing off some major character that would shake things up.
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The upcoming episode is going to be a roller coaster because of what happened previously. Douda (Curtiss Cook) is battling for his life as he was shot at the hands of a stranger in Episode 5 while Keisha (Birgundi Baker) is going to have a difficult time being a new mother. Before diving into what could happen in Episode 6, let’s take a look at what happened in ‘The Spook Who Sat By The Door’.

‘The Chi’ Season 4 Episode 5 Recap
Emmett (Jacob Latimore) is clearly having difficulties in realizing that his mother Jada (Yolonda Ross) is suffering from cancer. He brings her a juicer, which he hopes will help boost her health. Emmett is very afraid that she is going to die before he can buy her a house and make her proud of him. Jada assures him that she is proud of him. Meanwhile, Kevin (Alex Hibbert) has finally learned the truth about Jake (Michael Epps) and Jemma’s (Judae'a) relationship. He sees the duo kissing in a stairwell and is crushed.
Elsewhere, Keisha is trying to remain calm because the date of the delivery is going to come soon. While talking to one of her colleagues, she starts having contractions. She makes it home and gives birth in a pool in the living room with the help of Nina (Tyler Abercrumbie), Dre (Miriam Hyman), and a midwife.

On the other hand, Douda attends The Olympic gala and gives a rousing speech. Afterward, he asks Tracy (Tai Davis) to meet him on the roof. Before he gets there, though, Marcus (Joel Steingold) tells him to be careful with the female company he keeps. He goes up to the roof and gazes out at his city, turning around when he hears the door open. We see a gloved hand holding a gun and firing at Douda. The bullet hits him in the torso and he falls to the ground.
‘The Chi’ Season 4 Episode 6 Spoilers
The upcoming episode will be mainly focusing on Douda’s condition and finding the identity of the person who shot him. With everything that happened in the previous episode, Tracey seems to be the most likely suspect. But, it won’t be too easy for us to find out who really did it. Regardless of who pulled the trigger, it is clear that a lot of people have reasons to take Douda’s life and the list of suspects will continue to get bigger.
We are talking here about a political figure and anytime you dabble in this world, you make your fair share of friends and enemies.

Another storyline that will be explored in Episode 6 is Keisha’s life after birth because of the trauma she has experienced. It is clear that she is going to have a really hard time adjusting to the new lifestyle.
‘The Chi’ returns with a new episode every Sunday on Showtime at 9 pm ET.