'The Busch Family Brewed' Premiere: Christi Busch channels her inner Kris Jenner as show emits mad 'KUWTK' vibes

'The Busch Family Brewed' premiered on MTV tonight with two juicy back to back episodes. The show features Billy Busch Sr and Christi Busch along with their seven children namely Billy Busch Jr, Hayley, Abbey, Grace, Maddie, Gussie, and the youngest Peter. The show opens with a little background on the Anahauser-Busch family and how they were one of the biggest in the beer brewing business.
However, the family doesn't own that business anymore and Billy Sr mentioned that the plan is to build a new brewery and to create a new legacy for their children.
The family is very close-knit and they all live together. We hear Mom and Dad Busch talk about their kids with great pride, which can get a little annoying to watch because we know that the situation is too good to be true. "We have seven children and its great to have so many personalities under one roof," says a beaming Christi. Furthermore, we see that the children are having fun and playing with water balloons, which again is quite today, especially when you are all living together and it is not a special event like a reunion.
Catch a sneak peek of the trailer if you missed the episode tonight:
Billy Busch Jr, the eldest child tries way too hard to portray himself as the leader of the pack. His sister Hayley is portrayed as beautiful, nurturing, romantic and finding love in all situations type of a person. There's Abbey who's very fun-loving and has no filter and was the one with very little screentime in both episodes that premiered back to back on Thursday.
Gussie, on the other hand, is portrayed as the playboy and he tries way too hard to fit into their mold and then there were Grace and Maddie - one of them is very blonde and spends way too much time on the tanning bed, oh wait, to be fair, that is all of them. Maddie is way too mature for her age and cares way too much about her fake lashes after she sneezes.
At one point in the episode, both of them advise Hayley on her relationship with Clark- her boyfriend of 8 years and joke that it would be $100 for the advice. One doesn't have to think very hard before drawing the comparison to a young Kylie and Kendall who always kept their elder sisters on their wit's end. Lastly, there's 12 years old Peter who believes he's the youngest but definitely is the boss of the family.
Finally coming to Christi Busch, her matriarch act is coming off way too strong. At one point in the episodes, it was revealed that each child of the Busch family has a photograph of them and Christi from when they were toddlers and they're not supposed to take it off. Billy Jr. took to twitter and mentioned that once he took the photo down only for it to magically appear after a couple of hours. Grace added that she feels that their mom wants them to be thinking about her all the time and that she's always watching. This is not it, there's more cringe to come.
No lie... I literally removed moms picture at least 3 times but it magically pops back up 🤔 #BuschFamilyBrewed
— BillyBuschJr (@BillyBuschJr) March 6, 2020
Grace, Maddie, Hayley along with their mom are out shopping for a dress that Maddie could wear to prom and Christi being as annoying as she is, keeps harping on the fact that the dress should be modest as boys only want one thing. Brownie points for keeping it real for once here, highly appreciated! Hayley and Grace ask Christi if she's had 'the talk' with Maddie to which Christi replies in the negative and suddenly starts looking off-color. Such a prude! She even went on to mention how she never says the 'P-word' (period) and thinks it's gross.
Well, to be honest, that was gross to watch on TV in these times. Now back home, Christi and Maddie sit down to have 'the talk' and Christi tries way hard to look super uncomfortable about the whole thing. She lists out a set of guidelines for Maddy like watch your drink, don't drink alcohol and the worst of the lot - if you have sex you will die. There are moments when you hate yourself for your inability to punch someone through the TV and this was definitely one of them.
Now through both the episodes that premiered tonight, it is very hard to not draw comparisons to the earlier seasons of KUWTK. Christi was trying way too hard to channel the matriarch that Kris Jenner is. She was definitely putting up the act and also the fact that they are trying to hard-sell the close-knit family angle, it's difficult to not link it to the Kardashians.
Special mention for Christi's botox too. Now the only difference between both shows is that KUWTK, as annoying as it may be, it is watchable. But the real question here is will fans give this show enough love as to how much they love KUWTK. Let us know in the comments below.
'The Busch Family Brewed' airs Thursday nights on MTV. Check your local listings for more information.