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'The Boys' Season 4: Why the new Black Noir needs to learn how to fit in with The Seven

New Black Noir faces the challenge of fitting in with The Seven in 'The Boys' Season 4
UPDATED JUN 25, 2024
The New Black Noir speaks out and shakes up The Seven in 'The Boys' Season 4 (@primevideo)
The New Black Noir speaks out and shakes up The Seven in 'The Boys' Season 4 (@primevideo)

Contains spoilers for 'The Boys' Season 4

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Black Noir, once the silent and deadly enigma of 'The Boys,' has undergone a dramatic change. Played by Nathan Mitchell, the character who once commanded respect with his presence and deadly skills has undergone significant changes.

Though he still wears his head-to-toe black armor, this new Black Noir is nothing like his old self. The mysterious aura and silent need for acceptance are gone; now he seems lost and more focused on following directions rather than making a real impact.

Adding to the surprise, this new Black Noir is unintentionally funny, a stark departure from the silent and scary version we knew before. While this can be amusing, it also raises questions about how he fits in with The Seven.

The Seven are known for their strong and often complex members, so this lighter, funnier Black Noir might not blend in well with the team.

For the sake of the team's dynamics and Black Noir himself, he needs to find a way to balance his new traits with the deadly skills of his past.

Learning to fit in with The Seven isn't just about wearing the same suit; it's about bringing back the sense of purpose and fear that once made him a crucial part of the team.

What's the new Black Noir's quest for acceptance in The Seven?

Black Noir in a still from 'The Boys' Season 4 (@primevideo)
Black Noir in a still from 'The Boys' Season 4 (@primevideo)

The new Black Noir is struggling to find his place in The Seven. Not only is he lost and constantly searching for direction, but he's also narcoleptic, often falling asleep during important meetings.

He’s open about his condition, but it doesn’t win him any points with Homelander, who is already fed up with the recruit.

Oddly, Noir isn’t bothered by the violence and death around him. He’s conflicted about having to kill people, but he does it without hesitation or remorse.

He seems to rationalize the brutality as part of his performance, akin to a method actor. However, unlike an actor, Noir possesses super strength, demonstrated by the damage he caused with a baseball bat.

Despite his powers, his tendency to speak out of turn could be his downfall. With Homelander becoming more unpredictable, Noir's future in The Seven looks uncertain.

To survive, he needs to find a clear direction and learn to keep quiet. Only then might he stand a chance of fitting in with The Seven and staying alive.

Who is the New Black Noir in ‘The Boys’ season 4?

The new Black Noir struggles to find his place amid The Seven's turmoil (@primevideo)
The new Black Noir struggles to find his place amid The Seven's turmoil (@primevideo)

After Homelander (Antony Starr) kills Black Noir for keeping his heritage a secret, Vought faces a dilemma. They need to find a replacement for Noir to maintain The Seven's strength.

Initially, it seems like the new Black Noir struggling to fit in, maintaining his silent and menacing presence alongside Homelander, The Deep (Chace Crawford), and A-Train (Jessie T Usher).

However, things take a turn during a meet and greet with Homelander fanatics. When Homelander instructs The Seven to beat Todd (Matthew Gorman) and other men to death, Noir steps up first, brutally attacking one of the men.

This aligns with Noir’s usual brutal behavior, but the real shock comes afterward: Noir speaks.

Hearing Noir speak for the first time in five years is not only shocking but also reveals that this new Noir is different from the one we knew, debunking several fan theories about his identity.

'The Boys' trailer 


'The Boys' Season 4 is available for streaming on Prime Video.