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'The Bachelorette' Season 18: Fans call out Joe Coleman for ghosting Michelle Young

Turns out, Joe Coleman was talking to Michelle Young before her season, but left her hanging without an explanation. Until now, that is
UPDATED OCT 20, 2021
Michelle Young and Joe Coleman in 'The Bachelorette' (ABC)
Michelle Young and Joe Coleman in 'The Bachelorette' (ABC)

Season 18 of 'The Bachelorette' is finally here, and all 30 men are hoping to wiggle their way into Michelle Young's heart. But that is easier said than done. Making a first impression counts quite a bit on the show, and it helps to have a lasting one. But it turns out, one contestant didn't make the first impression on Episode 1, but rather a second impression, seeing that he already knew Michelle. 

Enter Joe Coleman, a Minnesota native (like her) who graduated high school the same year Michelle did. He was also the 2011 Minnesota Mr Basketball, while Michelle was a finalist for Minnesota's Miss Basketball award. But apart from similarities, their connection runs deeper than that. 

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The second Joe stepped up to the podium to meet Michelle; she couldn't help but shake off the feeling that she knew him. After their first conversation, Michelle called out to him as he walked away, seeing that she remembered Coleman's last name. As Michelle explained it, the two of them previously talked on social media until Joe stopped responding to her entirely. She never understood why seeing that they had similar interests and got along well.

Later, during the one-on-one conversations, she took Joe aside and confronted him about the matter. For someone who stopped talking to her, it was odd that he was now on the show. Joe explained that he was going through a tough time in his life, with the George Floyd incident at the time. He's always had trouble with communication and unfortunately, he shut down at the time. Michelle heard him out but also explained that as a woman of colour, she too was affected by the whole situation, but he could've just told her why he was stepping back. Michelle was rightfully worried that Joe would shut down again.

Fans suspected his reasons for being on the show. "Joe said he ghosted Michelle because a lot was going on for him after George Floyd died like Michelle isn't an African American woman herself who could completely understand and relate? Lol Okay buddy. #TheBachelorette" tweeted a fan. "Make it make sense, Joe. Either you like to work backwards or you're an opportunist. You had an opportunity to grow with her but you ghosted her. Now she has reservations about you when back then she had an interest in you. #TheBachelorette" added another. "If there's anything Joe has show us, it's men have the audacity! First he ghosts her, then he applies to date her on National tv, and he blames ghosting her on police brutality. I'm flabbergasted #TheBachelorette" tweeted a fan. "So Joe was too overwhelmed to respond to a dm but had the emotional energy to go through the entire bachelorette application process? Sir…get your story together. #bachelorette" agreed another. 





However, some fans were glad the conversation happened, seeing that Joe opened up about his communication issues and the fact that he's in therapy, working on the same. "Joe talking openly to Michelle about therapy will help eradicate the stigma that plagues Black men and mental health.This convo could change the world and make it a better place #TheBachelorette #fortheculture" tweeted a fan. "i dont think joe is a red flag yet, i actually think he's owning up to things and hoping for a chance, but michelle protecting and putting herself first rather than ingnoring for the sake of the show is admirable #TheBachelorette" added another. 



Turns out, Michelle felt like Joe still owed her a few answers, seeing that when it came down to the rose ceremony, she gave her last rose to Joe. What do you think? Is Joe on the show with an ulterior motive? Or is he there for Michelle? Sound off in the comments below! 

Catch Season 18 of 'The Bachelorette' on Tuesdays, at 8 pm EDT on ABC. Episodes are also available on-demand and on Hulu the day following their premieres.