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'The Bachelorette' 2022: Tino expresses anger over Rachel kissing others, cast calls him 'baby back b***h'

Even though there are five men on Team Rachel and six men on Team Gabby, it looks like the drama is far from over
Rachel and Tino in a still from 'The Bachelorette' (ABC)
Rachel and Tino in a still from 'The Bachelorette' (ABC)

It isn't a season of 'The Bachelorette' without a villain or two and it looks like there are plenty of them to go around this season. While Gabby and Rachel have been nothing short of supportive when it comes to each other's journey, there seems to be constant drama in each episode. So far, fans have seen Chris being walked off the show, Hayden bad mouth the women and thus being asked to leave, and now, of course, Logan switching sides and breaking Rachel's heart in the process.

And even though there are five men on Team Rachel and six men on Team Gabby, it looks like the drama is far from over, as some formerly 'strong' connections, like Tino's, are now falling apart slowly but surely.


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Tino certainly made an impression right from the get-go, seeing that Rachel could not stop gushing about him during their initial meeting. So far, he's even scored a one-on-one and more recently a group date rose. The group date rose was certainly an interesting win as Rachel had canceled the date on account of Logan leaving her for Gabby. Dealing with his rejection was hard as she stated that she was not in the frame of mind to go on a group date and didn't want the men to have to pacify and console her again.

So when it came to the second half of the date, nearly everyone in the group was understanding about her situation, putting her feelings first -- save for Tino. Tino wasted no time in talking about how he felt over Rachel canceling their date. For Rachel, his openness and honesty sealed the deal as she gave him the group date rose. But this honesty might just come with a cost, as seen in the preview of the upcoming episode. While there seems to be drama galore, it looks like Tino's jealousy is slowly starting to surface. While he does have a good connection with Rachel, it is important to note that she also has connections with Aven, Zach, Tyler, and Ethan, all of whom she has kissed.


But this clearly doesn't seem to have gone down well with Tino, who stormed off over Rachel kissing the other men in her group. One of the cast mates even referred to Tino as a "baby back b***h" over his behavior and it looks like the situation is only going to go from bad to worse.

Tino's jealousy seemed to have spilled into the fantasy suites segment as Rachel was seen sobbing, wondering if she was broken. Do you think Tino is the cause behind her tears? Sound off below and let us know!

Catch 'The Bachelorette' on Mondays at 8 pm ET/PT on ABC. You can also watch the show via your local ABC affiliate.