Will Christina Mandrell regret opening up to Zach Shallcross? 'The Bachelor' star to rethink her decision

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Will the upcoming episode of ‘The Bachelor’ Season 27 make Christina Mandrell feel that she did a mistake to open up to Zach Shallcross? It seems so! She is about to face a lot of hatred from the other ladies in the upcoming episode. This will make her think about whether she did the right thing to go on a one-on-one date with Zach.
The single mom has already been given the "villain" edit in the show. Her growing connection with Zach Shallcross is about to become the reason for jealousy for many ladies. Well, 'The Bachelor' ladies believe that Christina is trying to "intimidate" the other cast members with her story. 'The Bachelor' star is about to face a lot of mental shifts in the upcoming episode. Keep reading to know what's waiting ahead for Christina.
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Will Christina Mandrell feel she made a mistake by opening to Zach Shallcross?
The sneak peeks clip of the upcoming episode claims that Christina will take most of the space of the upcoming storyline. Will the hatred gathered by her character make Christina regret opening up to Zach? If not regret it, she will definitely start thinking about what she has with Zach whether real or not. This situation will confuse Christina the most, making her analyze whether she did the right thing by telling Zach about her being a single mother. Zach's attitude toward Christina ever since their one-on-one date. Zach might get distant from Christina and will try building his connection with other ladies in the upcoming episode.
Will Christina Mandrell be exposed?
Christina is overlooking the possibility that she could end up the target if she tries to play the game by terrorizing the other ladies. One of the ladies in the sneak peek video claims, "anyone who she perceives as a threat will become the target." With Christina having the strongest connection with Zach of all, there are chances that she can manipulate Zach's decision in the future.
The ladies of 'The Bachelor' will undoubtedly come up with some kind of strategy to deal with Christina's predicament. Either they will band together to fight her, or they will make an effort to make Zach hate Christina.
Let us wait for the further release to see how things play out for Christina. 'The Bachelor' 2023 airs Mondays at 8 PM on ABC.