The rift between Dee Dee and Gypsy begins to show in 'The Act' episode 4 as their relationship turns toxic
In the recent episode of 'The Act' Gypsy Blanchard realizes the extent that her mother Dee Dee can go to when it comes to keeping her under control.

In the fourth episode of Hulu's 'The Act', we see Dee Dee trying to act like everything is normal. Even after Gypsy's escape to meet a guy that she met at comic con, Dee Dee seems unperturbed and goes about living with Gypsy as usual. So how will Gypsy live with knowing the truth that she is a 19-year-old, whose sexual desires are awakening? Gypsy begins to rebel a little, pointing out her real age to her mother, trying to prove that she is not a baby anymore. Dee Dee, however, has a plan for everything.