Silicone breast implants increase chances of skin cancer by 400%, stillbirth by 450%, and arthritis by 600%
The study looked at nearly 100,000 patients enrolled in large postapproval studies between 2007 and 2010 before publishing it in the journal Annals of Surgery
Silicon breast implants increase the risk of a woman having stillbirth by 4.5 times and the risk of developing melanoma by four times, a new study suggests.
Women with silicone implants were also two times more likely to have surgical complications in comparison with saline implants. These complications particularly include scarring around the implant, Daily Mail reports.
The findings from the study conducted by a team at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston will help women choose the implant they feel is right for them. Also, the study is the largest of breast implants outcomes to date.