'Terrace House: Tokyo 2019-2020' Part 3: Fans adore Emika and Tupas, hope their Tupika ship will set sail soon

Emika Mizukoshi and Tupas Johnkimverlu's relationship was one of the major highlights of 'Terrace House: Tokyo 2019-2020' Part 3. When John entered the show he had mentioned that his purpose was to make friends and interact with new people.
Viewers who've watched the new season would know that when he entered, he was too much into his own shell and was not very confident about himself. It was at the night of the welcome party that the old members had hosted for the new entrants that he opened up to his fellow housemates.
He and Emika also ended up spending a lot of time in the playroom that evening. There was not much spoken between the two but it was not awkward silence that filled the room and both of them found solace and comfort in each other's company that evening.
They also decided to catch the film 'Yesterday' and go to lunch after that. It was clear that Tupas liked Emika and he also confided about his feelings to Kai after the party.
Emika and Tupas followed through with their date plans and over lunch, the former opened up to him as she'd never done with anyone. She told him about struggling with low confidence and revealed that is the reason why she wears a lot of makeup sometimes.
Tupas comforts her saying, "I am in no position to advise you how to exist but there's a lot of things to be proud about and I can see that."
Their relationship was growing from strength to strength and they also started spending a lot of time together and after a time they took over the playroom as their bedroom. It seemed like their relationship would take a hit when Emika decided to quit the show.
Two days before she was about to leave the show, Tupas took her to an amusement park. It was there that he finally asked if she would officially be his girlfriend and it was such a "Kawai" moment when she responded with "only if you'd have me".
Fans of the two went into overdrive and there's a Reddit thread dedicated to their relationship. 'Terrace House: Tokyo 2019-2020' Part 3 is now streaming on Netflix.