'Sweet Home' Season 3 Episode 2 Takeaway: How Chief Ji's chilling secret could single-handedly destroy humanity
Contains spoilers for 'Sweet Home'
SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA: The chaos is exploding as Netflix's fantasy drama 'Sweet Home' Season 3's fictitious universe faces a danger to civilization from a bizarre virus.
Based on the webtoon of the same name, the show's central plot revolves around the emergence of a rare virus, which forces the occupants of Green Home apartments to battle for their lives.
The show's first season is centered on the survival of residents, while the second season introduces new characters who live in a stadium to escape the outbreak.
Season 3 of the show reveals that the manager of the stadium, Chief Ji (Kim Shin-rok), discloses an enigma that will bring drama to future episodes.
What did Chief Ji reveal in 'Sweet Home' Season 3 Episode 2?

Season 2 of the show introduced a plethora of new characters, one of them being Chief Ji, who and her husband wind up spending a year in the stadium after the Prime Minister attempts to massacre them all for merely existing.
Throughout the season, she embodies a weird aura around her, which is revealed due to a secret that was far anticipated by the fans of the show.
It is revealed to the residents of the stadium that Chief Ji had hidden her son, who had transformed into a monster, in the stadium itself, a truth that might jeopardize many lives.
She was apprehended and imprisoned in a remote location, where Tak In-hwan (Yu Oh-seong) questioned her more, and she revealed that the people Tak used to expel from the stadium were fed to Chief Ji's monster son.
While Tak understands her dilemma as a parent, he also observes that her son is a new kind of monster that may represent a serious threat to public safety.
Chief Ji's son to cause further destruction in 'Sweet Home' Season 3

It was made obvious later in the show that the military did not assassinate Chief Ji's son, endangering the stadium's occupants.
Chief Ji's actions, which threaten others, might be understood as a frantic effort to protect her terrible monster kid.
It raises points about the extent to which a parent will go to ensure their child's safety.
Additionally, the fact that Chief Ji's son is a new kind sort of monster also raises the stakes high as he could either be a boon or bane for humanity.
Now, this uncommon monster must have abilities never seen before, which adds to the stress since the monster might attack the stadium's people, resulting in even greater calamity.
Overall, we need to binge-watch all the episodes of the show to get the answers to these pestering questions.
'Sweet Home 3' trailer