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SCOTUS backs Catholic charity shunning gay parents, 9-0 verdict shocks Internet

The Supreme Court ruled on June 17 that a Catholic foster agency in Philadelphia can legally turn away same-sex couples as clients
UPDATED JUN 18, 2021
People flocked to Twitter expressing their anger and disappointment at Supreme Court's ruling (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
People flocked to Twitter expressing their anger and disappointment at Supreme Court's ruling (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

WASHINGTON: Internet sparked angry reactions over the Supreme Court's ruling in favour of a Catholic foster care agency that banished same-sex couples. The Supreme Court ruled on June 17 that a Catholic foster agency in Philadelphia can legally turn away same-sex couples as clients. The Catholic Social Services (CSS), argued that it should still receive taxpayer funding despite refusing to place children with same-sex couples.

CSS argued that its religious views keep it from screening LGBTQ couples as foster parents. The agency said that it shouldn’t be blocked from its work because of its 'religious views'. The state of Philadelphia argued that all foster care agencies are required to entertain every coupe and not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation.


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Chief Justice John Roberts issued a statement that said, "The Catholic foster care agency seeks only an accommodation that will allow it to continue serving the children of Philadelphia in a manner consistent with its religious beliefs, it does not seek to impose those beliefs on anyone else. The refusal of Philadelphia to contract with CSS for the provision of foster care services unless it agrees to certify same-sex couples as foster parents...violates the First Amendment."

Richard Garnett, director of the University of Notre Dame law school program on the church, state and society commented on the ruing, "It is striking, and telling, that the court's more liberal justices joined the court's decision. Today's ruling illustrates that respect for religious freedom should not be a partisan, or left-right issue." Philadelphia officials expressed their disappointment and described the decision as usurping the city's judgment "that a non-discrimination policy is in the best interests of the children in its care."
Religious groups, however, described the decision as protecting the Catholic agency from the government's interference into its religious freedom. Lori Windham, senior counsel at Becket, a nonprofit law firm that represents litigants fighting for religious freedom said, "It's a beautiful day when the highest court in the land protects foster moms and the 200-year-old religious ministry that supports them."

'Children need to be protected from the Catholic Church'

People flocked to Twitter expressing their anger and disappointment at Supreme Court's ruling. One user wrote, "Children need to be protected from the Catholic Church, not loving gay couples looking to parent." Another user commented, "It's beyond ironic that the people cheering "religious freedom" because SCOTUS says Catholics can oppress LGBT people... but they see the word Satanism and they think "YOU'RE GOING TO EAT MY CHILDREN!" One tweet read, "The Catholic Church will protect mincing boy hungry pedophile priests but will deny LGBTQ individuals the opportunity to adopt these children. The Catholic Church thinks children should be in the hands of pedophiles instead of loving families. God vomits at this!" Another user wrote, "BREAKING: Catholic church, with its well-documented history of child molestation and hiding offenders, wins court battle to keep same-sex couples from caring for children. There, fixed it for ya."