'Supernatural' Season 15 may see Jack leave the Empty as the Winchesters get back to the basics of hunting 101

Before the beginning, there was only the Empty… the darkness, which can only be described as an infinite black void. The CW’s 'Supernatural' describes this as the final resting place for angels and demons, where once you enter you cannot leave – at least that is how it was until someone from Team Winchester stepped foot there.
Last season we saw Castiel (Misha Collins) who was sleeping peacefully in the Empty waking up when his adopted son Jack, aka the Nephilim (Alexander Calvert), reached out.
We have heard it referenced many times over, and even though we know of Cas' stint there, there is much that we do not know about the vast nothingness. This hopefully would change with the upcoming season 15, seeing as Jack is now stuck there.
One thing we are absolutely sure of is that this is far from the end for Jack and like Cas, he too will leave the Empty as well. We did see the Reaper Billie (Lisa Berry) approaching him with a potential proposition.
His time with the Winchesters surely taught him that the answer to a tough situation usually is making a deal with someone who has something you need.
Season 15 will certainly start with a big twist that will potentially reunite Jack with his chosen family, who are busy in a tough situation themselves. Chuck aka God (Rob Benedict), infuriated by the defiance of Team Winchester, heralded another Apocalypse on the earth, the first step of which, incidentally saw many dead things rising from the ground.
While it seems like an impossible situation, we have seen the boys battle worse things when the odds were stacked up way higher against them. Unfortunately, this is the first time they are fighting a battle against God, which by no means is an easy task.
However, if we know the boys, and we do know them pretty well, they will make a deal with God, potentially inspiring him to create a new Earth, populated with humans sans free will…?
Regardless, we believe that the series will end with God letting the Winchesters off the hook and leaving them with the run-of-the-mill monsters that the hunters can kill on the regular.
Season 15 might end the way season one began – with the Winchesters becoming hunters that kill lethal supernatural beings. We will know for sure when season 15 premieres on Thursday, October 10.